French Writer Renaud Camus May Face Prosecution Over “Condoms for Africa” Tweet

Diversity Macht Frei
April 27, 2019

Renaud Camus, the French writer who coined the phrase “Great Replacement” has again been indicted for wrongspeech in France.

The complaint was over a tweet he posted last week which translates as follows:

“A box of condoms offered in Africa, that’s three fewer people drowned in the Mediterranean, a hundred thousand euros in savings for the French benefits system, two prison cells freed up and three centimetres of ice shelf preserved.”

Back in the 70s, the Jews successfully lobbied for reforms to speech laws that would allow third parties to file complaints, rather than just the people directly affected by the supposed wrongspeech. Since then, the limits of free speech in France have largely been determined by Jewish “anti-racism” organisations.

In this case, the organisation filing the complaint is LICRA (International League Against Racism and Antisemitism), a quintessentially Jewish organisation that has brought in a few browns to make it look real. It started life as the “League Against Pogroms”, its mission being to secure the acquittal of a Jew who had murdered a visiting Ukrainian dignitary, with the claim that he had been involved in pogroms. The Jew did indeed get away with murder on that occasion and Jews have been getting away with murder ever since.

Camus makes a point of public advocacy using his own name, disdaining anonymity. This is noble. But its practical result is criminal conviction. We’re living in a system that isn’t fair, that is, in fact, genuinely genocidal and tyrannical. We have a ruling class committed to bringing about our ethnic extinction, one that seemingly sincerely believes the mere assertion of our right to exist constitutes some strange species of wickedness that merits the severest persecution. Trying to play the game as if this were a contest of honour between gentlemen is only likely to have unhappy results.