From 2014 All British School Children to Learn Islamic History

Andy’s Rant
November 22, 2013

Add another nail to the coffin of our Western Liberal Democracy.

Why is the UK Gov’t appeasing Muslims?

Sharia UK
Muslims, showing their gratitude, for having history taught from the Islamic viewpoint in British schools.

Via the Daily Caller


Beginning in 2014, the United Kingdom will require all British schoolchildren to complete a unit on the history of Islam, proudly reports Press TV, Iran’s very own 24-hour English language news organization.

British Education Secretary Michael Gove announced the addition of a Muslim-specific component after revisions were made to address an outcry over a prior draft that did not include any references to the monotheistic Abrahamic religion.

I wonder how the teachers of the history of Islam unit will explain the following grisly passages from the Koran to the students?

“Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

“Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood.” Koran 9:123

“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85

“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.”… Koran 9:30

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65

“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60

Students will also learn that Slavery is explicitly permitted in the Koran and that you can be put to death for insulting Allah or if you fail to convert to Islam.

Will students next be encouraged to recite the Muslim Brotherhood motto while at school?

God is our goal.

The Prophet is our leader.

The Koran is our constitution.

Jihad is our way.

Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes.

God is great, God is great.

It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its laws on all nations and extend its power to the entire planet.” – Hassan al-Banna – founder of theMuslim Brotherhood.

The Indoctrination begins.