Full List of Hillary’s 21 Million Dollars Worth of Jewish Bribes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2016

Night of the living hillary

A supposedly complete list of Hillary Clinton’s speeches has been released. Though she is being criticized for taking money from the top Jew bank Goldman Sachs, she also took millions from other Jewish banks and various other mostly Jewish organizations.


Though the media will never say it, these speaking fees are exactly what they appear to be: bribery.

It is illegal for a corporation to say “here’s a quarter million dollar pay-off, do my bidding.” It is not illegal, however, for a corporation to say “here’s a quarter million dollars for giving an hour long speech, wink wink wink wink wink.”

It is absolutely insane that we tolerate this level of corruption in an allegedly civilized society. In all reality, this is worse than the type of corruption that goes on in third world countries. An African dictator accepts bribes in the form of suitcases full of cash given to him secretly (or at least he tries his best to keep it secret); he puts the money in off-shore banks, or launders it, or whatever. American leaders accept bribes on public record, simply attached to the Jewish legalistic trick of “oh well, we gave them this money for giving an hour-long speech.”

But the American people are apparently so stupid that they are capable of explaining this away in their minds. Regardless of how obvious it is – how open and admitted it is.

On some level, it appears that Democrats are more aware of all of this than Republicans. Despite being a communist, Bernie at least has not been openly bought-off by anyone (that we know of). And he has a larger percentage support than Trump.

Iowaians voted for Ted Cruz because of some idiot jive talk about Jesus and abortions, even while it is a known fact that this guy is a pawn of Goldman Sachs and when the voting took place in Iowa he was in the middle of a scandal where he had tried to hide the fact he was getting loans from these Jews.

Iowa was proof that democracy is an utterly corrupt system and must be abolished.