Fun Days: Richard Spencer and Antifa to be at Auburn University on Tuesday!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2017

I’m a bit late announcing this one, but Richard Spencer is going to be a Auburn University in Alabama on Tuesday, and it sounds like a real good time.

The event was canceled, but everyone is going anyway. This means it’s not clear where exactly you’re supposed to meet-up, but it should be obvious enough when you get there.

Hunter Wallace over at Occidental Dissent writes:

This is going down on Tuesday afternoon.

If you can be at Auburn University on Tuesday afternoon and evening, come join us. Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch will be there. The Atlanta Antifa are supposed to be there. If you oppose antifa, political correctness and support free speech on college campuses, it is time to take a stand.

I should be there. There will be quite a few surprise guests. We have people coming to Auburn University from all over the South. It is going to be a lot of fun. There will likely be an after party.

Update: The It’s Going Down website has announced that some Black Bloc from Atlanta are coming to Auburn. If you missed all the action in Berkeley, come to Auburn on Tuesday.

If I were you, and I was in the area, I would go to this.

It’s definitely going to be a fun scene.