William Martel
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2015
Each and everyone of us can do what Angelo does in this video, so I’m going to go ahead and tell you to get off your butts and go do it, and here is why.
Most whites probably think like us, but are either too afraid to admit it or just can’t put all the pieces of the puzzle together on their own and that’s why its up to us to do that for them.
In this video, Gage takes “Adios America,” Ann Coulter’s new book which has been stirring up a lot of controversy and is a hot seller right now, and slips in some #whitegenocide flyers. The book talks about how immigration will turn the United States into a 3rd world hell-hole. Of course she doesn’t mention the Jews or that its part of a global white genocide plan; and that’s exactly where you come in to do that for her.
Now I don’t care for any of the goyish puppets, but from time to time, they seem to say SOME truths. This book is full of facts that would lead any person with an IQ higher than a golf ball to figure out that the immigration policies are just a scam, but with your help putting a #whitegenocide flyer in them, her readers can find out whole truth.
You can obviously do this with many other books: LOLocaust books, Mein Kampf, Race Is Fake books and so on. I’d would assume anyone reading Mein Kampf is either pro-white on some level or curious enough to want to know what Hitler was really all about. You could probably wake someone up just slipping a flyer with the web link www.TGNT.tv in middle of the book. The reader’s curiosity would probably lead them to the truth.
So this simple tactic can be very effective and everyone of us can do, but it is a numbers game. Most people may just throw these flyers out, but some may not. Now imagine if every reader of this site did it, over and over again, for years, in book stores all over the world. Could you imagine how many people we could wake up; how many thousands of books would be bought that would at least wake up a portion their readers?
So here’s the challenge. Pick a book topic, go to your local book store/library and do this with as many books as you can.
The best scenario would be that some Jew reading “The Forgery of Ann Frank” finds a pro-NS pamphlet in the book and reports this to the store manager, which of course blows up to be another shoah reported by the media, thus doing precisely what we want and getting the flyer’s message even more attention. Either way, its a win-win situation.
So most of you did the Paleo challenge and completed it, well, this I promise you is much easier and none of you will fail. Report back to base after you completed your mission.
Hail Victory.