Gambian Leader Brings the Ban-Hammer Down on Faggots

Daily Stormer
September 11, 2014

Fag-bashing Gambia President is internationally known for being straight gangsta and rolling with his niggas like a boss.
Fag-bashing Gambia President is internationally known for being straight gangsta and rolling with his niggas like a boss.

Gabia has passed a law that will impose sentences of up to life in prison for those faggots convicted of “aggravated homosexuality.”

Once again, a primitive African tribes person is proving himself to be more human and civilized than the vast majority of White countries, bringing the hammer down on the evil of homosexuality, while the Jew-run West is telling 5-year-old boys about how to have anal sex with men.


The bill defines aggravated homosexuality as “repeat offenders,” people with HIV/AIDS, and instances in which one of the parties is under 18, disabled, drugged or an authority figure over the other party, the Associated Press reports.

The bill, which was passed by the National Assembly last month, amends a criminal code that already included a harsh penalty—up to 14 years in prison—for homosexual acts, applicable to both men and women.

Regrettably, we are in a position in the White world where we need to start taking a lesson from the straight gangsta leader of Gambia in order to deal with our social collapse.

I would rather have him as our President than the present Black guy.  At least he rolls like a boss and deals with the faggots.