Game Changer: Irish Women Encouraged to Start Having Children Younger

Daily Stormer
January 2, 2017

Who would’ve thought it’s healthier to conceive when you’re younger!

It’s not rocket science that one of the driving forces of white genocide is the fact that women are being told to start families later in life, (you know, if they even encourage women to enter motherhood at all, which is hardly ever) even though that’s when children are at high risk for mental illness and disabilities.

Irish Times:

Irish women, who are leaving it later than any other nationality in Europe to have children, have been warned that their chances of conceiving lessen as they enter their late 30s.

Dr Simon Fishel, who was part of the team involved in the birth of the world’s first IVF baby in 1978, said women in their mid-30s often experience more complications when pregnant and that the risk of chromosomal disorders is greater for women conceiving at that stage.

He said that Down syndrome occurred at a rate of one in 700 pregnancies among women having children at 32 years of age but that this increased to one in 67 when the woman was 42 years old.

If one white country is encouraging young women to start families, then one would only hope that others start to follow.

Shiksa, why would you want a baby when you could be filling out data sheets?

And if that were to happen then that’d be a brilliant start to 2017.

Dr Fishel acknowledged that “modern society is so hard for women because they have all these pressures; financial, career, owning a home”.

However one thing we can’t handle or change is our biological clock,” he said.

They’ve made it extensively hard for women who do want to be at home mothers, because the government just does not prioritize them and would consider them lazy and dead-beats. It is far more important to support and give welfare to rapefugees and immigrants who do nothing for our countries except destroy them.

As the Fuhrer himself said in 1935:

The granting of equal rights to women, which Marxism demands, in reality does not grant equal rights … it instead constitutes a deprivation of rights, since it draws women into realms of society where they are inferior. The woman has her own battlefield. With every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation.

Women are unhappy because they aren’t being allowed to take their natural place in the world. Instead of getting married and bearing children, they’re being told from young ages that they should want none of those things, and instead work 9-5 filing papers and memorizing things that are irrelevant to them as human beings.

Funny how you never hear minorities being discouraged to reproduce ay? Duggars have 19 kids and everyone freaks out, Muhammed has 100 and it’s considered beautiful.

White birth rates have dropped, and minorities are outnumbering white people. And you know why? Because girls are being told that having babies is like leaving a party early.

Why would you want a baby when you could be out partying?

This is the propaganda Kikes are spreading, alongside making child birth sound ten times worse than it actually is in order to turn young women off ever conceiving.

Why have a child when you can have a successful career?

You don’t want to be a drop out mother do you?

These are the messages white societies are forced to listen to twenty four seven, it’s hardly shocking that white’s are dying out. Obviously something needs to be done about this, and Ireland taking a stand against women waiting until they’re old enough to be grandmothers to have children is sort of a nice start. It’s something.

Be homosexual! Experiment with your sex partners! But whatever you do…don’t have a baby!

Feminism has been the most powerful tool in the white genocide agenda, to divert women from starting strong and healthy white families and people laugh at this but look around- we live in a world where a woman owning twenty cats is considered normal.

It’s not a joke.

Dr Fishel said the slowing down of Ireland’s birth rate would become a social issue.

It is a double whammy in society. We need to have 2.6 [children per woman] as a replacement but we have 1.9 in the west and that is far too low and that is going to create a real social issue especially when there is an ageing population. It is going to become a crisis if we don’t address it.

People really need a wake up call. The white race is literally at risk, this doesn’t need to change, it has to change. We can’t let it continue to decline as it currently is.

Feminism must end.

This is more valuable than a meaningless night out on the town drinking alcohol, trust me.