Gary Johnson Doesn’t Know the Name of Any World Leaders

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2016

When they did that Aleppo thing on Wacky Gary, I was sort of like well, maybe he was just taken off-guard, it’s a weird word without context. I mean, I would have known it, but most people wouldn’t.

But now he doesn’t know the name of any world leaders at all.

Honestly, I don’t think anyone who is actually going to go out and vote is going to vote for Johnson. I think he shows up on polls because talking to someone on the phone is different than voting. All you have to do is pick-up the phone and talk, instead of get in a car and drive somewhere and wait in a line.

I think most people choosing him on phone polls don’t even know who he is, they just know they don’t like Trump or Hillary and that he isn’t either of those people.