Germany: Fascist Villagers Protest Plan to Flood Them with Rapefugees

The only people who actually want to be flooded with brown men are women.

We can joke about how they want to have sex with them, and that is sometimes true, but even if they don’t want to have sex with them, having more men in the country increases their sexual market value.

Moreover: men have to pay for it. Men are the ones tasked with making society cohesive. It costs women nothing to support these immigrants, and they feel very smug and proud of themselves while doing so.

You will sometimes find married women with kids standing with the men opposing the invasion.


There were tumultuous scenes in front of the district council of Nordwestmecklenburg in Grevesmühlen on Thursday as, according to police estimates, 700 people gathered in front of the administration building to protest against the construction of a container village for 400 asylum seekers in Upahl. The village currently has 1,662 inhabitants.

Despite the loud, angry protests, which could also be heard in the meeting hall, the district council voted in an emergency meeting to erect the accommodation. The situation came to a head when some protesters tried to enter the administration building. Police officers dressed in heavy protective gear managed to prevent the building from being stormed.

Demonstrators beat with their hands against the windows. According to NDR, right-wing extremists were also among the protesters. However, the police pointed out to the Nordkurier newspaper that it was “mainly middle-class people, and only a small part of them were from the right-wing scene.”

Politicians invite citizens to dialogue after the factA motion by AfD, which has eight district council members, to forego the construction of the shelter was rejected by the majority. The request to at least limit the capacity to 250 was also rejected. With 14 members, CDU is the strongest group in the district council. They are followed by SPD (13) and the Left Party (11).

The container village is now ready to open on March 1 in an industrial park, announced District Administrator Tino Schomann (CDU) after the meeting. This step was “necessary” because they wanted to prevent the sports halls from being occupied by migrants. The administration would “do everything” to “keep the burden on residents as low as possible,” pledged Schomann, who announced a dialogue event with citizens on Feb. 3.

The police have already initiated several preliminary proceedings against demonstrators.

It’s exhausting to even think about this, frankly. The invasion is basically a done deal. There are just so many of these people. If some small town wins a battle, that’s good for them, but it doesn’t mean anything in the larger scheme of things, and it doesn’t even mean anything for the town in the long term. It’s a temporary reprieve.

The force behind this invasion agenda is like a tsunami.

It’s not even really being discussed anymore. The media went all in on that stupid virus hoax, now they’re all in on the Ukraine. America and Europe have never seen immigrant numbers like this ever, but it’s just not a major news item anywhere aside from the Daily Stormer and a few other sites.