Germany: Former Top “Nazi Hunter” Gets Attacked by Own Party for Talking About Great Replacement

This sucks for this guy, but you know what?

This is the world he created.

The Nazis weren’t trying to replace the population. They were dealing with the Jew problem.

The Nazis didn’t even do anything wrong.


Once he was Germany’s top Nazi hunter. Now the conservative opposition want to kick former domestic security chief Hans-Georg Maassen out of their party for allegedly repeating anti-Semitic and racist tropes.

Until 2018, Maassen headed the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, chasing down extremist threats to Germany’s constitutional order, whether from foreign spies, religious fundamentalists, the far right or the far left.

But the long-time member and one-time parliamentary candidate of former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) lost that job after being accused of ignoring video evidence of far-right gangs chasing immigrants in riots.

Chasing them in riots?

I don’t understand that sentence.

Were they chasing the immigrants while the immigrants were rioting, or were they creating riots to chase immigrants?

It must be the former, because there are no far-right riots in Germany, and haven’t been since 1933.

Now, after Maassen mused in an interview about “a green-leftist race theory” that casts “whites as inferior” and promotes “immigration by Arabic and African men”, the CDU have lost patience with a man who kept doubling down on culture war tropes, making himself a cult figure on the right fringes.

Hans-Georg Maassen – the only non-Jew Nazi hunter? 

“He keeps using language from the world of anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists, even ethnic supremacist terminology,” the CDU presidency said in a statement on Monday, giving him a deadline of Sunday to leave the party or face expulsion.

Oh no – he did a buzzword-buzzword-buzzword??

That’s just the worst.

Maassen criticised the announcement in comments to the conservative newspaper Die Welt. “What I said wasn’t racist, but what many people think,” he said. “I reject ideological positions that demand the extinction of ‘whitebreads’ – those with white skin colour – through mass immigration.”

I am so exhausted by this language. Tucker Carlson is obsessed with it.

You can’t say “I support MLK, I’m against all forms of racism – including against whites!” and expect to be taken seriously. No one takes that seriously.

“Anti-racism” was always a leftist agenda. It exists to attack white people. That’s the point. You can’t appeal to these people by saying “oh, I’m just trying to uphold your values because I personally don’t have any values and just follow yours!”

They’ve already built in a response to this – “there is no such thing as reverse racism.”

Claiming “anti-racism” as your reason for defending whites further reinforces the idea that racism by whites was real in the first place. It wasn’t, actually. Even in America after slavery, we were going through a process and Jim Crow was not about hatred for the color of the skin, it was just about protecting whites from black violence.

Eventually, once blacks got used to freedom and cut back on the crime, Jim Crow would have been loosened naturally, because white people actually did not hate blacks and wanted to help them.