Germany to Spend 36 Billion Euros on Invaders in 2023 Alone

Democracy ain’t cheap, goy.

I mean, aside from the money, imagine how many people these niggers are going to loot and murder.


But that’s democracy for ya.

We gotta keep doing it because it’s who we are.


For those politicians, demographers and media outlets advocating mass immigration as a solution to the financial problems facing pension systems in Western Europe, the harsh reality is that immigration is burning giant holes in national budgets, with Germany the latest case in point.

In 2020, long before the influx of Ukrainian refugees totaling over a million, and continuous flows of illegal migrants totaling into the hundreds of thousands, Germany disclosed that it would spend €64.5 billion over the next four years on migrants, which only included federal spending. That sum amounted to €15 billion a year, but the latest data shows that number was widely off the mark.

Now, the total sum has exploded higher, reaching at least €36 billion in 2023 alone, which includes €26.65 billion in federal spending and €10 billion at the local and state level, according to new data from the Federal Ministry of Finance led by Christian Lindner (FDP). That data also shows that the federal government spent even more on immigration in 2022, amounting to €30 billion.

And it’s only gonna get worse

The figure of €36 billion in 2023, which was reported by German financial newspaper Handelsblatt, is hardly the full picture either. Mass immigration has contributed to a surge in real estate prices, more traffic in cities, larger and more difficult classrooms, longer wait times for medical care, and a host of other quality-of-life issues that have led the majority of Germans to become increasingly resistant to more immigration. The costs of the crisis also come at a time when Germans are dealing with elevated inflation and a weakening economy.

There are signs that spending will only accelerate. In the first three months of 2023, 163,000 migrants arrived in Germany, with 80,978 illegal immigrants arriving mostly from countries like Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey and Iraq, while 81,647 Ukrainian war refugees also entered the country.

Ukraine is the only country at war, and it’s still not clear to me why women are not being drafted in the first true “anal war.”

There is no valid reason any of these people should be in our countries.

Other than democracy.

And we have to keep doing democracy really hard, because it’s our values.

We have no choice in the matter.

And the number of “legal” ones is about to explode