Georgia: Thousands Riot Demanding Their Country be Subverted by Foreigners

It’s really just too exhausting to even talk about this new wave of American-backed riots in Georgia.

As Andrew Anglin said would happen when the Ukraine war went south for the Jews – and it has gone far, far south – they are seeking to expand the war outside of the Ukraine by causing Russia problems on its other borders.

These Georgia riots are the exact same thing that happened in the Ukraine in 2014. It’s just a script. They go into countries, find women (whores) and men with social issues – generally neo-Nazis and homosexuals – and they pay them to attack the government.

This program is not exclusive to Eastern Europe – the Jews did this in multiple Asian countries recently, including Thailand and Hong Kong – but these programs tend to be especially successful in Eastern Europe.

The Guardian:

Police in the Georgian capital Tbilisi used tear gas, water cannon and stun grenades late on Wednesday as they moved to break up the second straight day of protests against a “foreign agents” law which critics say would limit press freedom and undercut the country’s efforts to become a candidate for EU membership.

Thousands of people clashed with police o taken to the streets of Georgia’s capital for a second day to rally against a “foreign agents” law that critics say would limit press freedom and undercut the country’s efforts to become a candidate for EU membership.

Protesters carrying Georgian, EU and Ukrainian flags gathered outside the parliament building in Tbilisi on Wednesday and shouted: “No to the Russian law.” Demonstrators also blocked the city’s central Rustaveli Avenue, after a call from the main opposition party, the United National Movement, to gather there.

Later on Wednesday, hundreds of police, many carrying riot shields, used water cannon and teargas on protesters for the second night in a row as clashes again broke out in Tbilisi. Some demonstrators threw stones and pushed over barriers outside the parliament building, but unlike the previous night, there were no signs of demonstrators throwing petrol bombs or stones at police officers.

They keep showing this one woman waving a EU flag while being hit with a water cannon. What are the odds she’s gonna be a politician in a few years?

Georgia’s parliament on Tuesday passed the first reading of the law, which would require some organisations receiving overseas funding to register as “foreign agents”.

The law, backed by the ruling Georgian Dream party, would require any organisations receiving more than 20% of their funding from overseas to register as “foreign agents” or face substantial fines. Critics have said the bill mirrors a 2012 law in Russia that has since been used to crack down on dissent and suppress western-funded NGOs and media.

The EU is currently considering Georgia’s application for candidate status, and several senior EU officials have condemned the proposed bill. “Adoption of this ‘foreign influence’ law is not compatible with the EU path, which the majority in Georgia wants,” the European Council president, Charles Michel, said in a tweet on Wednesday.

Otar Berov, a Georgian sports commentator who attended the rally on Tuesday, said he was planning to continue to protest for “as long as it takes”. “The law is against its own people. They are trying to cut us from the west and force us closer to Russia. But our future is not with Russia; that is clear,” he told the Guardian.

“Every day will be like that,” said the opposition leader Nika Melia. “No matter how many times they disperse us, no matter how much gas they use, we will gather again and again, and there should be more and more of us.”

According to the latest polls, 85% of Georgians support EU membership.

In Washington, State Department spokesman Ned Price voiced solidarity with the protestors.


I know he did.

We all know he did.

I wish China would voice solidarity for the J6ers. Russia finally did that. Both should be vocal about it though.

“We urge the government of Georgia to respect the freedom of peaceful assembly and peaceful protests,” Price said. “We are standing with the people of Georgia and the aspirations that they have.”

Georgia’s president, Salome Zourabichvili, said on Tuesday evening that she intended to veto the law if it crossed her desk. However, the parliament could override her veto. She expressed solidarity with the protesters on Tuesday. “You represent a free Georgia, a Georgia which sees its future in the west, and won’t let anyone take this future away,” she said in an address recorded in the US, where she is on an official visit.

“Nobody needs this law … Everyone who has voted for this law has violated the constitution,” she said.

If they understood what it meant, no one would support joining the West unless they were a homosexual pedophile (but I repeat myself).

No one wants their kids to be forced to become trannies.

No one wants to climb over junkie orgies on their way to work.

No one wants a total breakdown of the family unit.

No one wants to be flooded with niggers from everywhere.

The Jews prey on ignorance and stupidity when pushing these revolutions.

Peasants are always stupid. That is their way. It’s not their fault. They’re born that way. They are weak-minded people by nature, intended to be led. The Jews kill or otherwise neutralize their rightful leaders and then pretend to be their leaders.

It’s very frustrating to watch the peasants continue to fall for these ridiculous tricks, but it just is what it is. There’s nothing anyone can do about it. Trying to explain this stuff to a peasant is like arguing with a retarded baby.