Glasgow Snowy Food Line – We’re All Next

The people in the photo don’t look homeless.

Sky News:

A photo of 200 homeless people queueing in freezing temperatures and snow for a soup kitchen in Glasgow has prompted an outpouring of anger.

One volunteer from the Kindness Homeless Street Team said “this has to end”, as the group experienced one of its busiest ever nights on Monday.

With temperatures plummeting as low as -6C, hundreds of people were forced to wait in line to receive a hot meal.

Graeme Weir, who works for the project, likened the scenes to those in an Eastern European country “decimated by years of Communist rule”.

He shared the image on Facebook, and said: “This makes me so angry. This has to end.

“I know some of these people personally and most of them are good people who have just hit a wee bump in the road.

“We as a civilised and caring nation need to step up.”

Glasweigian Laura McSorley, 37, started up Kindness Homeless Street Team as a small venture feed homeless people in 2019 – when she says she had just £5 in her pocket.

Demand increased dramatically when the first lockdown began last March, leading her team to move to large-scale operations, providing hot meals to those on the street four nights a week.

Alongside her 60 volunteers, Laura has handed out tens of thousands of meals. She has also helped 150 people in finding a home.

After the COVID-19 outbreak began, the Scottish government introduced emergency measures to move the vast majority of rough sleepers into temporary accommodation such as hotels and bed and breakfasts.

While rough sleeping is at a record low due to those measures, many charities are concerned that the funds are not addressing the multiple problems associated with homelessness.

According to Ms McSorley, some of the people who visit their soup kitchen on a daily basis are only receiving a small box of cereal and a piece of fruit from the government to last them the entire day.

How can a person refer to the modern West as a “civilized” society with a straight face?

It’s ludicrous.

Tens of millions of Americans are now relying on government food already, and true hell on earth hasn’t even begun.

Listen to me: snowy food lines are awaiting all of us.

The economic collapse is real and unfortunately, global warming isn’t.

Western civilization is silly, but very soon, that silliness will be no laughing matter.

When the fallout of this coronavirus lockdown finally hits, we’re all going to be dependent on the government to feed us. And they’re probably not going to be especially efficient at doing so.

These are pictures from across America from nearly a year ago: