Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2017
Yesterday, I wrote about how both Tucows and GoDaddy – who collaborated with the rest of Silicon Valley to ban me from the internet, ostensibly because of a fat joke they felt was really mean – are actively supporting pedophiles.
Of course, before they banned me, they could have just said “oh well, we’re neutral – pedophiles are none of our business, as long as they are engaging in Constitutionally protected speech (which they are).” But now that they’ve banned me on the grounds that my jokes are so edgy that they’re “evil,” they no longer have a claim to neutrality. And yet, they continue to host pedophile content.
GoDaddy has been informed of the pedophile content. They might or might not eventually ban it. But what they didn’t do was what they did to me, which was ban it with a Tweet, unilaterally deciding that it is evil and does not deserve to be on the internet.
So even if they do ban the pedophiles from their registrars, they have demonstrated, openly and without question, that they support pedophiles before White Nationalists who make edgy jokes.
Find More of These
I only listed one site that GoDaddy is hosting, Caution Click, which is a site which advocates for the legalization of “non-production” child pornography.
Most of the forums I found where people actually get together and share (technically non-pornographic) images of scantily clad little boys and discuss ways to strategically molest children were on eNom/Tucows (which again, also banned me for being “evil”).
I’m sure there are many more of these on GoDaddy. I just got a little bit burned out looking up pedophile advocacy sites, so didn’t do a super-extensive list.
What’s more, we need to find “hateful” sites by blacks and others and lobby to get those banned from registrars.
I’m ready to start lobbying for other right-wing sites to be taken down – they’re all going to be taken down eventually anyway. And I’m real fucking pissed off that these people are not defending me.
Let’s call for Infowars to have their domain stolen. What did I do that was worse than what they do? Make a joke?
Or is it because of the Jews?
Is Silicon Valley willing to say that it’s because I talk about Jews? Or are they going to stick to the claim that the fat joke “just went too far,” so they were forced to act as a government entity – or as a god – and shut down my freedom of speech?
Let’s hold them to this new standard they’ve created. It’s their standard. This was their idea, to give up neutrality.
Let’s create a crisis that causes people to demand that the government step in and regulate domain registry in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.