Golden Dawn Patrols Macedonian Border

Daily Stormer
July 23, 2013

This is the Golden Dawn peacefully protecting the border between Macedonia and Greece.  The activity is meant to defend the immigration laws of Greece, which are so often disregarded by the communists and other Jew-puppets in charge of this country, as well as to draw attention to the fact that all of Macedonia is a part of Greece, and that what is now referred to as the “Republic of Macedonia” is land that was stolen by communists, and has yet to be reunified with its mother country.

The members of Golden Dawn greeted legal travelers, saying “welcome to free Macedonia.”

Here is a map, showing the true borders alongside those of the occupation:

Χάρτης ΜακεδονίαςAnd here is the Macedonian newspaper whining about Golden Dawn:

Golden Dawn Macedonia Border

The newspaper did what is the standard Jew media method of covering the Golden Dawn, using a menacing-looking file photo, rather than pictures of the actual event, and referencing non-existent threats.