Good Plan (Or Great Plan?): Kid Rock Considering Senate Run

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 13, 2017

We need less lawyers in the government and more reality TV show stars, b-list rockers, etc.

That is the future we need.


Musician Kid Rock is strongly hinting he’s running for the US Senate in Michigan. The rap-rocker recently launched a website promoting himself for a future run in politics.

The 46-year-old musician, whose real name is Robert James Ritchie, tweeted out on Wednesday that his campaign website, is, in fact, for real.

“I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real… the answer is an absolute YES!”

The Detroit native followed that up with another tweet: “I will have a major announcement in the near future.”

There have been no Federal Election Commission records filed for anyone under his real name and a spokeswoman for the FEC, Judith Ingram, has said that the FEC has not received any filed papers under the name “Kid Rock,” according to CNN. She also mentioned that a filing of this nature “would first go to the Secretary of the Senate, which is the entry point for Senate filings,” CNN reported.

The logo of the website says “Kid Rock ‘18 For US Senate.” Stickers, shirts, caps and lawn signs are all items that potential supporters have access to purchasing on the page.

Previously, he had been mentioned as a potential candidate in Michigan to challenge current Democratic Senator, Debbie Stabenow, who is running for re-election next year, according to Fox News.

Michigan Tea Party activist Wes Nakagiri said that the election of President Donald Trump could be “a template” for Kid Rock’s run. “I’ll bet you he would generate as much excitement as Trump would,” Nakagiri told the Detroit Free Press in February.

The deputy chief of staff of the Michigan Republican Party said, “We have not had any conversations with Kid Rock so I cannot speak to the validity of this,” according to an email sent to CNN.

Kid Rock is a supporter of President Trump and performed at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

When applying for a job, many people set their social media accounts to ‘private,’ or delete questionable material, but Kid Rock has shown that he just doesn’t care about taking those precautions. He sent out this over-the-top tweet one day ahead of his announcement.


I would pretty much support any non-politician running for office.

Especially Bruce Willis.

Also, especially Kid Rock.

The Daily Stormer officially endorses Kid Rock for Senate.