Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 3, 2015

This whole GOP race is definitely being manufactured to be purposefully confusing. It almost has to have been done on purpose.
It is a known fact – and universal practice, unless you are Adolf Hitler – for candidates running in a democratic election to openly lie about their intentions. Generally, they base these lies on pandering to popular opinion. This then makes them more popular than they otherwise would be if they were truthful about their intentions.
It is a very simple formula.
However, instead of doing that, most of this gigantic horde of “GOP hopefuls” are saying things that they know are completely unpopular, even while they are under no obligation to do so.
GOP presidential hopeful and Ohio Gov. John Kasich scolded Americans who oppose unpopular, politically-engineered mass immigration policies, particularly birthright citizenship for illegal aliens’ anchor babies, telling radio host Laura Ingraham “frustrated” Americans should “count their blessings.”
Kasich also declared, on Tuesday, America passed “laws” that rubber stamp every kid born to illegal aliens as a “citizen.”“This is Census Bureau numbers, or CIS numbers. There are 300,000 children who are born in the United States each year, neither parent an American citizen. What’s your reaction to that?” Ingraham asked.
“Well, I mean, we have laws here that say that if you’re born here in America you become a citizen—” Kasich began.
“There’s actually no law that says that. There’s no law that says that,” Ingraham said.
Seemingly caught off guard, Kasich continued to fumble: “Well, I think if you’re born here, my understanding is, I thought it was in the 14th Amendment that says equal protection—if you’re born here, you become a citizen. Am I wrong on that? If I’m wrong on it, I’ll be glad to—”
“Yeah, there’s a Citizenship Clause in the 14th Amendment, written by Howard Jacob, who himself said it was never meant to apply to foreigners, neither parent being an American citizen,” Ingraham said.
Jacob Howard, actually.

What would be the purpose of saying this, unless you are trying to lose on purpose? Why do so many of these candidates appear to be trying to lecture the American people on how evil they are, rather than win the election?
Honestly, I have no idea. Running for President is profitable, obviously, so most of these people with no chance of winning are clearly in it for the shekels and the notoriety (which will itself potentially lead to more shekels). But there is no reason to make these types of statements, even if you’ve no intention of winning.