Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 12, 2015

Trump’s statement that the government has no idea what is going on with Moslems is 100% accurate. They literally have zero idea what these people are up to, and they aren’t even bothering to try and learn.
In San Bernardino, you had a situation where a devout Moslem was importing a bride from Saudi Arabia. Two years they spoke online about planning terrorism, and no one noticed. Not that it would be an excuse if it wasn’t, but presumably, most of this discussion – through non-encrypted, public channels – was done in English.
The female even posted about her love for ISIS on Facebook, publicly.
The FBI harasses my family, tries to recruit me as an informant – even while any simple profile of me based on a review of my work would show I’m non-violent in nature, and actually encourage non-violence among my readership – and yet there is absolutely zero monitoring of obvious terrorists planning an obvious terrorist attack.
To give the FBI credit, however, there are probably so many situations involving Moslems where it is likely to be a terrorist plot that it is impossible to monitor them all.
The U.S. government appears not to have picked up on extremist messages exchanged during the online courtship two years ago between the American-born man accused in the San Bernardino, Calif., shootings and his future wife in Pakistan, according to lawmakers detailing closed briefings by federal officials.
U.S. officials say 28-yearold Syed Farook and his wife, 29-year-old Tashfeen Malik, discussed martyrdom and jihad online as early as 2013. But the couple never surfaced on law enforcement’s radar, and Malik was able to enter the U.S. on a fiancee visa last year despite having professed radical views online.
Yes. She went so far as to declare allegiance to ISIS on Facebook, publicly. And the US government couldn’t figure it out – even while this “fiancé visa” process is supposed to be “rigorous.”
And guess who is defending this debacle?
Jew Adam Schiff. Same guy trying to start a war with Russia to defend ISIS.

Every. Single. Time.
FBI Director James Comey and other senior federal officials on Thursday briefed members of Congress, who were curious to know whether any red flags may have been missed in the past two years.
Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said it was his understanding that Malik was subjected to an in-person interview during the application process for a visa, but that he did not have additional details on it. He noted that there were some indications that might have alerted law enforcement to Farook, but he declined to detail what those might have been.
“I don’t think we know yet enough to say these were apparent without the advantage of hindsight,” Schiff said.
Republican Rep. Will Hurd of Texas, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said there’s currently no evidence Malik’s radicalization would have been readily apparent when she was evaluated for a fiancee visa.
“I don’t think there was missed information,” he said. “It appears that there was not any evidence that would have been discoverable during an interview for a visa.”
The only information which is “discoverable” during an interview is what the interviewee tells you or what you are able to figure from his or her body language.
You could have looked up her Facebook page and seen all her ISIS material. That was within your power.
He declined to discuss what specifically led investigators to conclude that the couple had radicalized independently as early as 2013, but suggested the information did not come from intercepts. Comey has said Farook had been in communication with individuals who were being scrutinized by the FBI in terrorism investigations, but that the contact he had was not enough to bring him onto the law enforcement radar.
“It’s safe to say that the information about what happened prior to their marriage and to the attacks in San Bernardino was acquired through forensic investigations of these individual lives,” Hurd said, adding: “These people weren’t on the radar.”
Multiple lawmakers raised the fact that neighbors saw suspicious activities but failed to mention them to investigators until after the attack.
“There were people who were aware of things, thought they were suspicious, but did not want to be accused of being discriminatory for reporting something,” said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He said these people saw activity around the garage that they thought was suspicious.
Yep. There you have that again.
“I thought they were probably terrorists but didn’t want to say something politically incorrect.”
What a mess.
But it is “unhinged” to suggest banning these people?
From where I’m sitting, I’m not seeing as though we have a choice.