Child trannyism is literally pedophilia. It is the outright and open sexualization and homosexualization of pre-pubescent children. This is obviously a plan to work in sex with adults as part of the “rights of a child.”
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson went on Goyish TV host Tucker Carlson’s TV show last week, and attempted to explain that he wasn’t really that hardcore about child trannies.
He said that it was all about small government principles, from William F. Buckley. It was like taking a time machine, watching this guy say “it’s limited government and choice in the free market” when he’s talking about injecting little boys with estrogen and mutilating their penises.
I wrote a better thing about this when it happened.
However, this week, he is going on the Jewish shows, and bragging about this law, and also attacking Donald Trump.
He has also begun calling himself “Governor Boy-Pussy.”
Wait, no, sorry – that’s a misprint. The Daily Stormer called him “Governor Boy-Pussy.”
On Meet the Press, the Jew Chuck Todd was very happy about the so-called “Governor Boy-Pussy” and his child anal agenda.
Governor “Large Loads for Little Lads” also appeared on CNN with the Jew Jake Tapper, and attacked Trump and said Trump was a very bad orange man, and he’s going big on young boys’ anuses.
That show isn’t up yet on YouTube, at time of writing, but you can watch it on CNN.
That headline reminds me of something…
A long time ago, on a message board far, far away…
We need to start thinking about what maybe might be happening here, because I’ll tell you this: it’s pretty gosh-darn strange to have a Republican governor going around saying that injecting little boys with estrogen is a “small government conservative principle.”
This is something that just even a year ago – or, frankly, even a week ago – I might have written as satire. It is all of the things that I’ve told you about the way ideology is just a racket, designed to twist people into logical pretzels in order to force an agenda on them.
Most people think of “small government” in association with being allowed to start a small business, have social mobility, have a non-intrusive government. They don’t think of injecting boys with estrogen. Funnily enough, Governor “Brutal Boy-Butt Blasting Brigade” Hutchinson also supported the coronavirus forced masking system, which is the exact opposite of every single “small government principle.”
So this is all selectively enforced.
Just like Ben Shapiro supports racial nationalism in Israel, but wants to turn America “brown.”
They do the same thing to the left. Most leftists probably just imagined living in a Sweden type situation, with 70% taxes and free everything. (I personally don’t really like or agree with that kind of socialism, but nor do I feel strongly against it.) But just as happened in Sweden, when you accept the leftist ideology, they then come at you with: “well, the whole third world is poor, so that means they’re the global proletariat, and that means they can all come and live in your country on welfare.” So instead of getting Sweden, leftists get a violence, crime, drug-riddled third world hellhole.
Then they start telling them they can’t be against war anymore because it’s feminism.
Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights https://t.co/UgqVYW4Hul
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) April 10, 2021
The modern left is just totalitarian globalism, of course, and we see the modern establishment right moving in that direction. The older leftist movements though were more about government services and ending wars. It all got twisted around, and now the Jewish media has begun calling for the same standards of censorship applied to the right to be applied to leftists who don’t go along with the program. There are a few leftists that I like, but it ends up that they’re basically overlapping 85% with the so-called far-right.
People forget that Bernie Sanders was calling for immigration restriction (he was also very pro-gun and probably a lot of other things that people would like) before he was beaten into submission by the media.
But here’s the thing: ideology is a tool of these Jews, but something has changed.
People have changed. I think it is related to technology, in a general sense. The phones especially. This has changed human existence so drastically, so quickly, that I think we’ve entered into a kind of dreamworld where anything is possible.
Whatever is causing it, this entire system is getting ready to start spinning out of control.
Anyway – Tucker Carlson says Governor “Stealthily Seducing Seven Savory Sons” Hutchinson is trying to get on the board of Walmart. His sort of sloppily whipped together theory about the tranny agenda is that it is emanating from big business. “Big business” is basically a place-holder for “Jews.” You can’t explain any of these agendas without eventually saying “there is a connected network of people pushing all of these agendas, using every center of power in society.”