Greasy Nigger Islamic Convert Promotes Antifa Tranny Revolution Manual

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2017

There is nothing gayer than antifa.

This entire “we’re going to have a violent revolution to support the global elite” has to be the worst manufactured rebellion that the Jews have ever invented.

Like, it is worse than Sum 41.

Or Green Day even.

The whole thing is collapsing in on itself because they keep getting publicly humiliated and young white guys are like “wait what? this shit is gay.”

It was only a matter of time before they started relying exclusively on nigger recruits.

Keith Ellison is an Islamic convert and the goal of antifa is a global transsexual Islamic caliphate.

So I guess that jives.

But here’s the thing: all of the active antifa are in their 30s and 40s, or they are women and minorities.

Or they are all three.

Not even an entire team of Jewish marketers can make this shit cool.

The basic issue was that policing thoughts wasn’t cool to begin with.

The Jews had their 60s revolutions on the opposite concept.

We’ve got the upper hand on youth recruitment these days, because we’re able to give them what they want.

They all know this. These people are freaking out. We’ve got sociology on our side.

Whatever “optics” they had left died with the Ellison cringe selfie.


Good Charlotte is also a more genuine form of rebellion than antifa.

The obvious difference being that Good Charlottes had access to vaginas.