Gulf States Ask America to Stop Jews from Attacking Iran’s Oil Sites, Say Israel Can’t Fly Over Their Airspace

Previously: “Anal Action Force” Bibi and Brandon Plan Big Time Attack on Iran

Before Israel began their lunatic massacre campaign, the Gulf states were on the verge of normalizing relations with Israel. Now you have the leader of Saudi Arabia becoming very friendly with Iran, and coming out and saying Israel must be stopped.

The Jews have gone all-in, and if they lose, they are going to lose very badly.


Gulf states are lobbying Washington to stop Israel from attacking Iran’s oil sites because they are concerned their own oil facilities could come under fire from Tehran’s proxies if the conflict escalates, three Gulf sources told Reuters.

As part of their attempts to avoid being caught in the crossfire, Gulf states including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are also refusing to let Israel fly over their airspace for any attack on Iran and have conveyed this to Washington, the three sources close to government circles said.

Israel has promised Iran will pay for its missile attack last week while Tehran has said any retaliation would be met with vast destruction, raising fears of a wider war in the region that could suck in the United States.

These Gulf states have a lot of money.

If they get fed up with this situation, they are going to do a lot more than close their airspace.

These statements to America are a warning that their patience has its limits.