Haitian Migrants “Don’t Understand the Laws,” Ohio State Rep. Says

The problem is that they don’t understand the laws.

They don’t appear to understand much at all.

New York Post:

An Ohio town that has seen its population swell with thousands of Haitian refugees has had to battle differences in culture and even driving practices as it adjusts to its new reality.

“We’ve got an influx of folks that have come in, and I think we were a little bit shocked that it was close to 20,000 people in a community of 60,000, and that’s caused some issues between the folks that live here and the folks that are coming in,” former Ohio State Rep. Kyle Koehler told Fox News Digital.

While local officials and multiple media outlets have disputed the point that Trump raised in the debate, there is still a new reality faced by longtime members of the Springfield community. Chief among them, according to Koehler, are cultural differences between locals and the Haitian refugees who are new to the town.

They don’t understand the laws, they don’t understand some of our customs, we don’t understand some of their customs, and that clash and the overwhelming amount of people that have come at one point has really caused some issues,” Koehler, who is now running to represent the area in the state Senate, said.

One more extreme example of that, Koehler recalled hearing second hand, allegedly played out at a local Walmart, where he said there were stories of “people showing up at the Walmart on a Saturday morning, going into the bathroom, and stripping down and bathing themselves.”

“The driving in town is horrendous,” Koehler said, noting that a lot of that issue can also be chalked up to cultural differences.

One notable situation occurred last October, when a school bus carrying dozens of children in the area collided with a minivan, resulting in over 20 kids being hurt and one, Aiden Clark, being killed.

The driver of the minivan was later identified as Hermanio Joseph, a Haitian immigrant who was found guilty earlier this year of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide for his role in the incident.

Well, some people like it when Haitians kill their kids.

See: Springfield Ultra-Fat Nigger-Lover with Dead Son: “You Know, I Wish My Son was Killed by a 60-Year-Old White Man”

No one can explain why these people have driver’s licenses and cars.

But the driving is the least of the problem.

You can’t just dump 20,000 people on a town like this. Well, apparently you can, because the US government did it.

But what kind of government is this?

Is it Jewish?