Half-Retard Prince Kicked Out of Buckingham Palace for Banging Underage Sluts and Lying About Sweat Glands

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 23, 2019

The goy fall guy continues falling.

New York Post:

The British royal got his marching orders and was told to clear out on Friday — just days after announcing he was formally stepping away from official duties after a “car crash” of an interview defending his friendship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the Times of London reported.

According to the report, the 59-year-old prince, who is facing a sea of criticism amid allegations he had sex with an underage girl, was told he and his staff would have to find another location to do business — a move authorized by the queen.

The report is only the latest humiliation for Andrew this week, amid reports the disgraced Duke of York was also fired from royal duties by his mother, who was reportedly concerned the scandal would tarnish the rest of the famous household.

On Thursday, the Queen also fired Andrew’s longtime private secretary Amanda Thirsk after she pressed the prince to undergo the now-infamous BBC interview, in which he tried to use a bizarre medical disorder to debeunk the claims of Epstein accusers, the Sun reported.

The embattled duke is the first member of the British royal family to step down from official duties because his reputation was so tarnished, according to the Times report.

Who even gives a shit?

All this means is that some asshole is embarrassed.

This whole show is designed to distract everyone from the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell is still missing, we still don’t know who killed Epstein, we still don’t know where the tapes that Epstein recorded of all these powerful people having sex with underage girls are.

We still don’t even know why Epstein was arrested in the first place, as it appears that this was illegal.

We don’t know anything at all about an underage sex ring that spread throughout the entire Western world, and was presumably (read: obviously) used by the Israeli Mossad to control the entire power structure of the white countries.

This is the most important news story in history, and it has been absolutely buried.

But we get the consolation prize of watching some half-retarded asshole get publicly humiliated in a “peasants throw rotten fruit” type tabloid spectacle.