Hamas Commander Still Alive Despite Massive Israeli Strike Killing 90 and Injuring Hundreds

The IDF is Hogan’s Heroes levels of bumbling incompetence.

Except it’s not funny, because they are mass murdering kids.

I don’t think anyone could have predicted they would be losing this war this badly.

New York Post:

Hamas said Sunday that Gaza cease-fire talks continue and the group’s military commander is in good health, a day after the Israeli military targeted Mohammed Deif with a massive airstrike that local health officials said killed at least 90 people, including children.

Deif’s condition remained unclear after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday night “there still isn’t absolute certainty” he was killed. Hamas representatives gave no evidence to back up their assertion about the health of a chief architect of the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war.

Mohammed Deif

The Israeli military announced Sunday that Rafa Salama, a Hamas commander it described as one of Deif’s closest associates, was killed in Saturday’s strike. Salama commanded Hamas’ Khan Younis brigade. The statement gave no update on Deif, who has long topped Israel’s most-wanted list and has been in hiding for years.

Hamas rejected the idea that mediated cease-fire discussions had been suspended after the strike. Spokesperson Jihad Taha said “there is no doubt that the horrific massacres will impact any efforts in the negotiations” but added that “efforts and endeavors of the mediators remain ongoing.”

The killing of Deif would mark the highest profile assassination of any Hamas leader by Israel since the war began. It would be a huge victory for Israel and a deep psychological blow for the militant group. Netanyahu said all of Hamas’ leaders are “marked for death” and asserted that killing them would move Hamas closer to accepting a cease-fire deal.

On Sunday, some survivors were angry that the attack targeting Deif occurred without warning in an area they had been told was safe.

Anglin did predict they would lose the war, because it’s literally impossible to win this war. You can go back and read his articles.

But who knew they were this incompetent?