Happening: Humble Philosopher David Duke Announces Bid for Senate!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2016


David Duke at his announcement press conference – “NO APOLOGIES!”

Original article follows.

Well, we’ve got a terrorist attack possibly involving multiple shooters and multiple locations in Germany, but a bigger happening just happened:


This is not a hoax.

The yids are flipping their lids in every media outlet.

And they’re already admitting he has a good chance of winning!

Washington Post:

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke on Friday announced he will run for U.S. Senate, linking his decision to Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency.

Duke, a strong supporter of Trump, said he was “overjoyed” to see the businessman’s campaign “embrace most of the issues that I’ve championed for years,” including the nationalist and protectionist notion of “America First.”

The former KKK grand master made the announcement one day after Trump officially claimed the Republican White House nomination.

“We must stop the massive immigration and ethnic cleansing of people whose forefathers created America,” Duke said in a video posted to his website.

Duke formerly represented suburban New Orleans in the statehouse between 1989 and 1993 and previously ran unsuccessfully for Congress and the Louisiana governorship.

If elected, Duke would replace Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), who is not seeking re-election after losing his bid for the governorship last year. Duke is one of nine Republicans running for the seat in a field of 23 candidates that includes Reps. Charles W. Boustany Jr. (R-La.) and John Fleming (R-La.).

“There are a lot of strong conservative candidates in the race, but he remains a visible person with name recognition around the country,” Louisiana State University political communication professor Martin Johnson said in an interview. “In that sense, maybe he peaks his head above the pack.”


And look – they are going to promote him to victory.

They are going to keep doing the thing that they always do, and it is going to backfire, exactly as it has with Donald Trump.

Times have changed and the Jews are refusing to accept this reality.

We’re going to be doing trolling campaigns and campaign funding drives and all sorts of other types of things in the coming days, weeks and months to ensure a Duke triumph.

The game has just changed, yet again.

Hail Victory.