Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2015

Senator Harry Reid, a gun-grabbing Jew-loving democrat from Nevada, has a goofy fat drunk brother who just got charged with drunk driving, assaulting an officer and illegal weapons possession. Plus a bunch of other stuff.
The brother of Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, was arrested after he was found behind the wheel of his vehicle, parked on the dirt median of highway in southern Nevada, police have said.
The Associated Press reports 73-year-old Larry Reid spent Monday night in Clark County jail but was released Tuesday morning.
He has been charged with driving under the influence, battery on a protected person, driving in or across a median, failure to obey or comply with an officer, violation of the seatbelt requirement, and possession of a gun while under the influence of alcohol.
According to details from the the arrest report, given by KVVU News, a Nevada Highway Patrol officer originally approached Reid’s Lexus SUV after seeing it pull into the median. The trooper initially believed the vehicle had broken down. The arrest report says the trooper asked Reid why was he was driving in the median and Reid responded with “incoherent, slurred speech.”
Reid reportedly then asked the trooper if he could leave and the trooper told him he could not. According to the report, Reid then tried to put the vehicle in gear and drive away but the trooper reached in to place the vehicle back into park. Reid then punched the trooper twice in the face, according to the report. The trooper eventually succeeded in removing the keys from the ignition and placing Reid under arrest after a short struggle.
Surely, we are not responsible for the behavior of our siblings, but this type of outrageous behavior by a grown man is completely ridiculous, and certainly does not speak well of his family of origin.
But maybe Harry Reid is only so anti-freedom so that someone will crackdown on his out outrageous family?