As far as we know, everyone who hasn’t been completely isolated has the virus or can at least test positive for the virus.
That’s the situation.
So, if New Zealand is doing all of this mass testing, they cannot ever let anyone into their country, under any circumstances.
New Zealand has recorded 25 new cases of coronavirus, the biggest daily toll the country has reported since the height of its initial outbreak in March and April.
Two were local cases and the rest were discovered at the border, including 18 infections among Russian and Ukraine fishing crews who had arrived on a charter flight from Moscow days earlier.
The two new community cases reported on Wednesday were contacts of a ports worker whose case was reported on Sunday. It had been the first instance of community transmission in New Zealand since 25 September.
Wednesday’s figures underscored the pressure placed on border management systems to contain the virus in a country where daily life has largely returned to normal.
Ashley Bloomfield, the director general of health, said: “Putting our cases today in perspective, yesterday Spain announced around 48,000 new cases, and that would be the equivalent in New Zealand of around 4,000 new cases [by population size].

“We are not being complacent at the border and all New Zealanders need to make sure they are not complacent in the community.”
A total of 235 fishing crew had arrived from Moscow on a flight chartered by a seafood company, health officials in New Zealand said, with a layover in Singapore during which they stayed on the plane. It was the first of two scheduled flights of fishing workers due to arrive in New Zealand from Russia – which has the world’s fourth highest number of Covid-19 cases.
New Zealand, by contrast, has recorded one of the world’s lowest death tolls – 25 people have died – and fewer than 2,000 confirmed cases of the virus. Its success has been attributed to one of the world’s strictest lockdowns in March and April. All domestic restrictions on the country have since been lifted.
Now, border controls are what is standing between the isolated south Pacific island nation and the pandemic. Only New Zealanders and their families are permitted to enter the country and must spend two weeks in quarantine, during which they are tested twice for the virus.
New Zealand really did isolate itself from the virus.
But as this shows: to what end?
If they can’t even let fishermen dock in their country, what does that mean in terms of the future of the country?
Well, it means that they have to figure out a way to never allow anyone to step foot on their island, for eternity.
Personally, I do not think that anyone has died from the coronavirus. I think it is an absolute hoax. I think they are recording deaths from any cause as coronavirus deaths.
And, as you’ll recall, Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci’s chief henchman, admitted this fact all the way back in April.
Nothing has changed since April. If you die from cancer, or a car crash, or from murder, or whatever, you are recorded as having died of coronavirus, if you have a positive test. The thing is: everyone in the hospital is going to have a positive test, because the hospital is crawling with the virus.
What’s more: you can be declared as having died of coronavirus without a positive test. They will say you died from coronavirus if you had any of the alleged symptoms of coronavirus when you died.
As Elon Musk said, all the way back in May on an appearance on Joe Rogan:
They’re not even diagnosed! If you die with a cough, weakness, shortness of breath – frankly, I’m not sure how you die without those things…
You don’t have to have been diagnosed. You simply have to have had one of many symptoms, and it’s covid. Then it makes the death count look very high. It looks like the death count is super high and not going down like it should be, so we should keep the shelter-in-place stuff there, confine people to their homes… we need to break out of this. We’re stuck in a loop. I think the way to break out of this is to have clarity of information.
(You should go back and read my article about Elon’s interview with Rogan; somehow, all of that information from May is just the same as it is now.)
If this sounds insane, and you can’t imagine all of these doctors lying like this: the hospitals were told they had to shut down everything but treatment for coronavirus.
Remember the pictures of the empty hospitals? The videos in the #FilmYourHospital hashtag?
All the videos have been deleted by Twitter and YouTube, because they don’t want people to remember that. But I do remember it.
And we still have some of the still images of totally empty “corona emergency centers.”
So they told all of these hospitals they could only treat coronavirus and other emergencies, but at the same time, they were getting paid by the federal government every time they treated someone with coronavirus and every time someone died of coronavirus.
Related: CDC Has Already Instructed Hospitals to Hoax Coronavirus Death Numbers
So, here’s what that means: these hospitals would have to be closed down due to bankruptcy if they didn’t lie about the cause of death on the death certificates.
We are still recording all of these fake deaths.
These tests are a joke, and they keep getting caught with false positives, but then it disappears from the headlines.
AP, August 26, 2020:
Potential accuracy issues with a widely used coronavirus test could lead to false results for patients, U.S. health officials warned.
The Food and Drug Administration issued the alert Monday to doctors and laboratory technicians using Thermo Fisher’s TaqPath genetic test. Regulators said issues related to laboratory equipment and software used to run the test could lead to inaccuracies. The agency advised technicians to follow updated instructions and software developed by the company to ensure accurate results.
The warning comes nearly a month after Connecticut public health officials first reported that at least 90 people had received false positive results for the coronavirus. Most of those receiving the false results were residents of nursing homes or assisted living facilities.
In assisted living facilities, they say.
So, if someone dies in an old person’s home, they have a false positive, they die of old age or any respiratory issue, or of loneliness, or from being abused by blacks – boom, another coronavirus death.
From what I’ve seen, no one has died of this virus alone. That is to say: it is not believable, to me, that anyone who was not going to die from something else died of the coronavirus.
We knew in Italy, before America ever even locked down, that “over 99%” of people had comorbidities.
Who is the zero-point-whatever percent?
Is it not likely that they also had another illness that just wasn’t diagnosed?
Even If People Do Die?
This all having been said: we didn’t lock down for any other seasonal flu.
Maybe people are dying – I can’t say for sure they’re not. It’s my opinion that they’re not. But I don’t know.
All kinds of viruses exist in the world and kill people.
Even if it is a flu that like other flus kills a few old people, to decide that you’re going to be permanently locked down for eternity because of that…
What is New Zealand going to do?
As I have said: life involves risks of death.