Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2017

Sven has outdone himself.

This is one of the best YouTube facefag videos I’ve seen.

I guess it’s a little bit late to be covering the Rebel Media white genocide debacle, it probably took him this long to make the video. This is highly produced.

We’re taking nigh PewDiePie tier here.

I could have done with a mention of the fact that when this video endorsing white genocide was released by the Rebel, they were in Israel making videos about the greatness of Israel’s race policy. The double-standards meme might be worn out to us, but it’s good for the YouTube normies to see and this was a particularly egregious case of it.

Also – word of the day time.

Did you know: “egregious” once meant “remarkably good”?

Might be time to bring back that form of the word. Or I guess we can wait for the blacks to do it, then use it ironically.