Honorary Hetero Peter Thiel is Gunning For Google

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2017

Peter Thiel has done some pretty based stuff despite being a total homo.

Zero Hedge:

Peter Thiel, the billionaire venture capitalist who backed President Trump (just before giving his presidency a “50% chance of ending in disaster”) and infamously helped Hulk Hogan bring down Gawker.com, has allegedly set his sights on a new target: Google.  According to The Mercury News, suspicions about Thiel’s next pet project were raised after he recently contributed $300,000 to Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley just before he launched an antitrust lawsuit against the alleged search monopoly.

But wait it gets better. This isn’t just some idle speculation going on here.

So far, high-profile Silicon Valley venture capitalist and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel isn’t saying publicly why he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the campaign of a state attorney general who’s just launched an antitrust probe of Google.
But it’s not the first time Thiel has handed cash to an AG who went after Google over monopoly concerns.

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley announced Nov. 13 that his office was investigating Google to see if the Mountain View tech giant had violated the state’s antitrust and consumer-protection laws. The Missouri attorney general said he had issued an investigative subpoena to Google. He’s looking at the firm’s handling of users’ personal data, along with claims that it misappropriated content from rivals and pushed down competitors’ websites in search results.

Loyal readers of the Daily Stormer will know what a threat and tool of the kikes Google is. They stole the Stormer’s domain just cuz.

They manipulate search results, steal your private info, and basically act like Big Brother just because they want to screw the goyim.

But not anymore.

Peter Thiel may not have been the hero we wanted, but he’s the poz’d homo hero we deserved. Remember that because of this guy, the Hulk was able to take down Gawker. This guy gets shit done. He’s like a mini version of primaries Donald Trump.

In a press release posted to his website, Missouri AG Josh Hawley confirmed that he had issued an “investigative subpoena to Internet giant Google, Inc.,” in an effort to determine whether the search giant had “violated the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act—Missouri’s principal consumer-protection statute—and Missouri’s antitrust laws.”

All we really need on the Alt-Right is a big money donor and we would be all over this shit ourselves tbqh fam.

But alas until that day comes, we have to rely on the likes of Peter Thiel and hope that he can break the Jew Skynet that is Google until we can come and replace it with the Aryan Skynet in the future.

Once the internet is truly free, our memes will reach the starts and once we defeat the Earth Jew, we can set our sights on the intergalatic Jew as well.

Peter Thiel is a part of that glorious future. He is the first step.

Godspeed you glorious homo. Wreck Google’s shit and let us handle the rest.