Hot Mic: California Teachers’ Union Says Parents “Want Their Babysitters Back” So They Can Smoke Weed

These teacher scumbags chose their own profession.

Yes, they are effectively babysitters. That’s on them, not on the people who have to use babysitters because that is the way our society is structured.


As some members of the Oakley Unified Elementary School District Board of Trustees prepared for their monthly meeting Wednesday, they spoke to one another while parents logged on. They didn’t realize the public could hear their comments about parents complaining that their students are still at home doing distance learning.

Board member Lisa Brizendine referred to the people who write letters to the board calling for schools to reopen, noting that the board members are members of the community with kids who’ve gone to the schools.

“They don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. It’s really unfortunate they want to pick on us because they want their babysitters back,” said Brizendine.

Board member Richie Masadas joked that his brother had a medical marijuana service and “the clientele were parents with their kids in school.”

“When you got your kids at home no more smoking out,” Masadas added.

Board member Kim Beede used profanity in one instance when talking about parents.

An online petition launched to call for the board to resign or be recalled noted that during the hot mic moment the board members spoke in a disrespectful way about parents in the school district.

“Parents were tuned in to learn if we will be sending our kids back to school soon and if not, why,” the petition reads. “There has been a lack of communication from the board and this was the first communication we heard.”

The petition is calling for board members to resign immediately as “a recall would cost the district money that should be going to the kids.”

In the video, Superintendent Gregory Hetrick also talks with the board members about implementing a new system for public comment in meetings that would require people to call in and record their public comments rather than making them live in a meeting. The recording would cut comments off at three minutes.

These teachers think parents want to sit around smoking weed because that’s what they’re doing. Normal people with real jobs have to work, which is why we have a babysitter system in the Western world.

Also, kids need to be around other kids, which is why taxpayers paid to have these school buildings built, and pay the salaries of these babysitters.

These teachers are just totally sickening, and it is sickening that the Democrats are siding with them and refusing to explain that the reason they are siding with them is that they are getting bribed.

The teachers’ union is a big, big briber of the Democrats, and these teachers don’t want to work. They want to get paid for not working.

Kamala Harris got nailed to the wall by the Today Show’s Savannah Guthrie of all people, and the Indian Hindu bitch retreated into gibberish.

Guthrie said “the CDC says they can go back to school and they’re not going back to school” and Kamala started vaguely alluding to racism or whatever. It was nuts.

Maybe no more school is one of these permanent new normals. They’ll just give kids pills and leave them in their rooms.

I actually don’t think it is. I think there is a plan to get schools open again, but governments are just getting bribed by these teachers’ unions. Schools do a lot of brainwashing, and I think that is important to the rulers. But they’re going to drag this out as long as possible.

They might also change the way schooling is done somehow.

Right now they’re saying they need new ventilation systems for kids with asthma. So, who the hell knows.