How to Make a Twenty-Pound Bag of INTENSE SURVIVAL SUPPLIES for a Fifteen-Mile Walk

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 11, 2017

In a world where all of civilization collapses suddenly without any warning, one man working an office desk job will survive.

Even though he probably has his car, running water at his work, food at his work, and only has to walk for about four hours, he knows he will need twenty pounds of supplies and three days of food.




As normal men become raiders and scavengers, forming Fallout-like tribes warring over what few scraps remain in stores after just two hours, follow UBER TACTICAL SURVIVAL MAN on his journey to fend off the hordes of cannibals and mutants dogs.

Rated R for the mentally retarded.

Serious note: If you want to prepare for a situation like this guy described, just buy a used bike off craigslist for cheap and maybe, like, a water bottle holder you can attach to the bar.