Daily Slave
June 17, 2014

The endless amount of faggotry is our society is becoming a real problem. The fact that we have the Huffington Post openly putting out an article endorsing the idea of children having homosexual fathers as “awesome” is completely insane. Children should not be subjected to living in an unnatural environment where they have a homosexual parent. They should be raised in a natural environment where there is a mother and a father, not an environment where there are two queers suffering from a sexual disorder. It is simply unnatural for two men to sodomize each other and kids should not have to be forced to learn about such madness at a young age.
To make matters worse all of the reasons they list to justify their claims are superficial. They provide no substantive reason as to why it is a good idea for children to have homosexual fathers. They just provide a bunch of disgusting photos with ridiculous captions as a way to spark an emotional response. The article is completely devoid of any substantive logic.
This should make each and every one of you sick. This queer shit constantly being shoved down our throats needs to be universally rejected.

From Huffington Post:
As we approached Father’s Day, there were some pretty cool lists about dads floating around the Internet. So, of course, I had to make a list of my own, ensuring families with double daddies (or one great gay dad) are represented.
I originally intended to intro my list with lots of statistics showing how more and more Americans are in favor of same-sex marriage and adoption. Or how same-sex couples will be counted as families by the U.S. Census for the first time. Or that gay dads have turned up in all manner of commercials and top-ranked TV shows. Or how I belong to a Facebook group of over 3,000 gay fathers.*
But instead let’s just celebrate what makes gay dads unique, as well as what makes them as equally awesome as all the other active, engaged and loving fathers out there.