I Apologize, Mike: Pompeo Releases Photos Proving Definitively Jap Boat Attack was REALLY DONE BY IRAN

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 18, 2019

This is the face of Truth and Freedom. 

I just want to issue a personal apology to Mike Pompeo.

I genuinely didn’t believe his story about how Iran attacked a Japanese boat while the Iranians were meeting with the Japanese.

But then… then I saw these new photos he released.

That’s all the proof I need that Iran did this attack.

It’s double the proof I need.

It’s time to invade the country, once and for all.

We have to bring freedom to these people. We have to bring them true democracy and human rights.

We have to protect the Jews.

And I don’t care how many tens of thousands of white kids from the South have to die to make that happen.

Secretary Pompeo, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize.

Please: give us this war.