iDubbbz Releases His Version of Sam Hyde Documentary

You all know who Sam Hyde is. iDubbbz is a YouTuber who, among other things, makes documentaries about people from the internet. His channel is very popular, pushing 8 million subscribers.

A month ago, Sam Hyde released a documentary about a documentary iDubbbz had filmed of Sam Hyde and never released. I guess the footage was like a year old, and Sam decided that iDubbbz was never going to release the film, so he released his own footage that his team filmed while iDubbbz was in Rhode Island filming.

This week, iDubbbz finally released the documentary that Sam had assumed was never going to be released.

The first thing that I noticed – the first thing that anyone would notice – was that iDubbbz does not acknowledge the fact that Sam released his own version. That could be because he was already more or less finished with production when Sam released his version – but he never even notes at the end that Sam released his own version, despite the fact Sam’s version went viral.

I think both are very much worth watching, and they really do complement each other. It’s not really the same footage.

What Sam did after iDubbbz proposed the documentary was spend thousands of dollars setting up a show for him to come film. He had an entire staff of comedians hired to pose as his crew, saying all of these crazy things about how the Hyde operation runs, including a fake girlfriend, who was posing as an unhinged drug addict.

iDubbbz seems to be taking cues from Louis Theroux, a British documentarian who always puts on that he is very concerned about the humanity of his pitiful subjects, while also strongly implying that they are evil. iDubbbz kept talking about how concerned he was about the drug addict girlfriend.

The iDubbbz version features the footage where Sam reveals that the whole thing – the whole life that he presented to iDubbbz – was a staged hoax. He reveals that the girl was some art school bitch he paid to act like his drug addict girlfriend. It is a strange thing – because apparently, iDubbbz was totally sucked into the whole illusion that Sam had created, and was genuinely shocked to find out it was all staged.

You could see why Sam would think he might not want to ever release this. It is sort of embarrassing, and it really undermines the whole angle of “I’m so concerned about this person who I also think is actually probably a metaphysically evil Nazi.” He wanted to show that Sam lives a deranged life, then when he found that the deranged life was just a show, he was left not knowing anything about Sam (who is actually probably pretty normal and healthy in real life, at least by modern standards).

I give a lot of credit to iDubbbz for putting this out as he did.

I even got a mention, although I was derided as a “neo-Nazi,” something I have never claimed to be. Okay, I did claim to be that. But iDubbbz did a segment with a graph and dissected the whole post-irony and meta-irony circle of doom, so I think I should have been called an “alleged neo-Nazi” or a “meta-ironic neo-Nazi” or something. I don’t even know what “neo-Nazi” means or what a “neo-Nazi website” is. I’m just a guy on the internet. But whatever. Okay.

I was mentioned in the context of Sam Hyde allegedly making a gesture of support to me when I was on some hard times (something I’ve always had a lot of guilt about). iDubbbz basically claimed that Sam is some kind of race-hater and that he hides his racial hatred in his ironic comedy, so that he can promote racial hatred under a veil of confusion as some kind of psychological warfare program against the minds of the youth.

But it’s obvious that the documentary is going to be good for Sam and what he’s doing. It creates interest. Sam comes across as hilarious and intelligent, not as metaphysically evil. So iDubbbz has definitely done him a favor by releasing it. So you kind of get the impression that iDubbbz likes him, at least as an entertainer.

That is in itself worthy of note. If iDubbbz (or anyone else) is a hardcore shitlib who believes that not loving brown people with all your heart and soul, and wanting to be replaced by them and ultimately slaughtered by them is metaphysically evil, okay. So what? What does that have to do with thinking Sam Hyde is funny or not? I can say a liberal Jew comedian is funny, if they actually are (none currently are, other than maybe Larry David, who doesn’t really make political content).

What I will say is that though iDubbbz was clearly trying to channel Louis Theroux, the latter never would have released this documentary. Not in this form, and probably not at all (because I don’t know what other form it really could have taken, other than to add more finger-wagging).

The Sadness of the Sam Situation

I hope Sam is doing okay.

It isn’t hyperbole or gay to say that what happened to him is a tragedy. It would really be hard to find someone funnier or smarter than Sam Hyde. In a fair world, he had a career path laid out for him, based on merit. He is extremely talented and he worked extremely hard. He got the dream gig at Adult Swim, which should by rights have put him on a path to be where he deserves to be in his career, and that was “canceled” by whining shitlib faggots and Jews who have no merit and have never produced anything of value.

Of course, I can relate. Big time. I don’t want to insert myself in here too much, but in 2017, when my website was stolen from me, I had just crossed six million unique visitors in a month. That is massive for the scale I was working at. Right now, five years later, I have half that traffic. If I’d simply been allowed to operate normally, I’d have 15 times that traffic now, maybe more. This week, my domain went down yet again, and I don’t know what’s happening with that. So probably only a third of the people who would have been reading this last week are reading it right now. Maybe less.

The big difference between me and Sam is that I can just do the same thing I was doing, every day, without anything changing very much. Of course, I had plans to expand, to hire staff, to have an office, to get to the scale of something like Daily Wire or Breitbart – both of which I’d be beating into the ground in terms of traffic if I’d been allowed to do so. But really the thing I want to do is the thing I’ve always wanted to do, which is the thing I do every day: to sit here and type my ideas. Of course, I wanted to change the world, but that’s still possible.

As a visual entertainer, Sam needs a production crew, he needs money, he needs a platform – and he’s denied all that, meaning he can’t really do the thing that he wants to do.

That said, although I think he has partially given up, I like Sam’s current content a lot. I think his self-help stuff is great. I agree with basically everything he says. And I think his podcasts are still really funny. I don’t think he’s shined like he did in the two videos above in a long time though, and I suppose the exposure energized him.

But even with the exposure – there’s not really any place for that to go. If he started to get big again, there would just be more censorship. That’s the way it works.

Frankly, I would like to see Sam start doing a stream on Nick Fuentes’ I’m sure he’d be welcomed there. And I think he has a lot to offer to the young guys that are on there in terms of wisdom, which they’re maybe not really getting. I’ve been watching lately, just watching some random streamers. It’s all guys in their early 20s. They’re definitely a lot better off than I was in my early 20s, and I really feel a sadness sometimes that I was born too soon. But I guess I’m the one whose job it was to go through and figure all of this stuff out. But they are also not totally on point on some things they could be on point on, just due to a lack of experience, and I think there is a lot Sam could offer there.

I don’t think he has anything to lose by getting a channel there and doing a stream once a week. It would get more subs on his own paid podcast, for sure, and I know as a matter of fact that it would help these young guys that we’re all counting on now.

Whatever Sam chooses to do with his derailed life moving forward, I’m very happy that he now has these two fantastic documentaries that are a part of history. And I’m happy that through iDubbbz, he’s at least going to get to make an impression on some people who otherwise never would have seen his comedy.