I’m Not Writing Anything Good Today

I wore myself out writing good things the other days.

I need to focus today on relaxation.

But hey, like every day – you still get all the news that’s fit to print!

If you missed the good stuff I wrote earlier this week, go back and read that. Some of it was really good.

The site is entering a new era, following the botched convalescence, in connection with the shitshow that is the 2024 election. I’m just so tired of hearing about politics and seeing people discuss politics as if they were real.

If you want to read something new I wrote that’s good that isn’t published here, you can go read the drunk posts I posted last night on the Gamer Uprising commentary board in this thread.

(You can sign up over there if you want, too. You can use a fake email. I’m always hesitant to post about it here, because it’s sort of a secret club that I don’t want a lot of people involved in. But we’ve been trying to get some more posters. The old forum was down for like a year after our software license was pulled, and it’s not really gotten back to the place it was in terms of activity.)

I was going to make some of that stuff I typed in that thread into an article today, but it’s too sloppy and would have to be completely rewritten, and I don’t have the energy for that right now. But it might still be fun to read in its current form. I had fun hanging out with my internet friends last night and writing it.

Reading it, you might be wondering how I could type all that like that, even with the rambling nature of it, if I was drunk.

Normal people hang out with me and they’re like “how did you drink so much and not get drunk?”

I’m like: