Imagine My Shawk – Nigger Teacher Strips Down and Runs Around Trying to Rape His Students

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2018

To any of our younger readers, I want to say, “its not your fault.”

You might not get that movie reference, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to convey here. You didn’t have a choice in being born into this…fucked up state of affairs. You inherited this mess and you’re going to have to wade knee-deep through it for the rest of your life.

If its any consolation, I’m not much older than you, and I’ll be right there with you, wading through the muck that previous generations left us.

You should NEVER have to deal with niggers in positions of authority over you. Especially when you’re young. That’s simply child abuse. The parents and authorities that allowed this to happen deserve to be punished for their stupidity and their reckless endangerment of their own children. Niggers in charge of white kids are a BAD IDEA in almost every single case.

There are a few notable exceptions:

  • A real-talkin’ housemaid who doesn’t tolerate your spoiled rich boy shenanigans

  • A boxing or martial arts instructor – because your parents are suburban-dwelling boomers that believe being tough and knowing how to defend yourself is immoral or something

  • I wanted to think of three exceptions, but I could only think of two.

And there are exceptions to those exceptions. I was trying to be charitable. But despite what Hollywood can lead us to believe, niggers can even fuck up the job of PE teacher.

CBS Los Angeles:

A physical education teacher at Carthay Center Elementary School outraged parents and upset students when he stripped naked on campus Friday and proceeded to chase nearby second-graders and fifth-graders.

“He was supposed to be helping them learn P.E., run around and have fun,” one parent told CBS2’s Adrianna Weingold. “But he undressed and started chasing the kids while he was naked, and then the kids ducked and dodged, ran into some of the classrooms and got safe haven that way.”

A video taken by a construction worker passing by captured the unidentified teacher putting his pants back on in the middle of the playground.

Parents were notified of the incident via robocall as well as a letter that was sent home with students.

“An individual began behaving in an unusual way, prompting us to contact law enforcement,” the letter reads in part. “As a safety precaution, our school went on a brief lock-down while officers responded and took the individual into custody.”

“All of the kids saw his private parts. Very embarrassing, very upset,” said one parent.

Naturally, there is no mention of the race of the PE teacher. But I think you can guess based on the video. I also think that my rather lenient attitude towards niggers will end up being dismissed as “cucking” by the next generation.

And I just want to say in advance that I don’t blame you. Don’t go easy on them when the time comes.