Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 15, 2020

Related: Russian Hackers are “Swaying Public Opinion Against US Government Policy,” US Government Says
Never heard of “Estonia”?
Well, you’d better start learning about it, because they got the hardcore info on the Russian hacking conspiracy, which is getting kicked up to the next level.
Russia interfered in Western elections in 2019 and is likely to do so again in 2020, according to the latest annual threat assessment by the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service.
NBC News obtained an exclusive preview of the annual report from the Baltic nation’s intelligence agency, which warns that Russia will continue to pursue cyber operations that threaten other nations.
“Russia’s cyber operations have been successful and, to date, have not been sanctioned enough by the West to force Russia to abandon them,” the report says.
Russia will try to interfere in the U.S. presidential election in November and in parliamentary elections in the nation of Georgia in October, it warns, saying, “The main goal is to ensure a more beneficial election result for Russia by favoring Russian-friendly candidates or those who have the most divisive influence in the West.”
If you’re wondering why the US media would be citing Estonian intelligence services, then you need to get your stupid ass educated. Estonia, formerly known as “the poor part of the Soviet Union,” before which it was known as “the shitty part of the Russian Empire,” before which it was known as “the sleazy part of the Swedish farmlands,” before which it was known as “the place where Sweden fought a war against Poland,” before which it was known as “the part of the Danish farmlands with the most hookers,” before which it was known as “a wacky zone with a bunch of savages in buckskins worshiping trees like retards,” is an elite nation with a rich history of being ruled by every neighboring country. They are world renowned for such incredible inventions as “Kazaa.”
This is the headquarters of their elite intelligence services:

Built straight into the side of a mountain, like something out of James Bond.
They know a lot about Russians because after all, they were ruled by Russians whenever they weren’t ruled by the Danes or the Swedes.
But Like, Seriously Tho
You don’t ever hear of actually serious countries talking about this “Russian hacker” gibberish. Even completely ZOGGED countries.
For example, Germany almost never goes into this bullshit. They claim that the emails of politicians have been hacked, and some of their organizations have said that there is “a high likelihood” that it was Russia. But they don’t go into this “election hacking” gibberish, even though the American media and thinktanks are constantly trying to bully them into it.
In 2017, the American media printed the claim that the Russians were planning to hack Germany’s elections. Then Germany was like “nope, we’re good.”
At which point, the New York Times printed this:
They said they were shocked that the Russians didn’t do fake news and post the German version of John Podesta’s emails.
What they were actually saying is that they were shocked that the Germans hadn’t gone along with the narrative.
It seemed almost inevitable that Germany would suffer the same fate as France and the United States, where, officials say, the Kremlin attempted to alter the results of presidential elections with “fake news” and spear phishing attacks.
But on the eve of Sunday’s elections, the Russians have done something few expected: they have largely disappeared. The trolls who spread distorted and falsified information before earlier elections have failed to make much of a splash here. The websites of the campaigns and major news media outlets are operating like normal.
Germans, according to Sandro Gaycken, the director of the Digital Society Institute in Berlin, which has been monitoring for Russian meddling, are “almost disappointed that nothing is happening.”
“We don’t see any verified attacks,” he said. “We’re not really expecting any Russian interference.”
And then what happened after that?
The Brookings Institute went ahead and printed that actually, Russia did hack the 2017 German election.
You also don’t get this double-dumbass nonsense from any other Western European country, unless you consider the UK a Western European country. (The US media claimed when Macron won in 2016 that France had stopped the Russians, though I don’t think this was something that was in the French media much or at all.)
I’m sure Merkel would jump at the opportunity to blame the fact that her country hates her on the Russians. But the apparent fact is that only Americans and the British are dumb enough to believe this absurd garbage. European leaders are afraid to lose the ability to govern by blaming their own failures on a nebulous Russian internet conspiracy.
Meanwhile, the American media tells us to trust the wisdom of Estonia.