Including Coronavirus, Flu Death Toll Set to be That of an Average Year

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 4, 2020

The deaths are going to hit a cut off here in a couple of weeks.

Keep in mind that these numbers include people that die of other things but test positive for Coronavirus after they die.


The worldwide death toll from coronavirus has topped 60,000, according to a tally maintained by Johns Hopkins University.

The virus passed the grim benchmark on Saturday, just two days after fatalities reached 50,000. More than 1.1 million people worldwide have been infected by the illness, the university has reported.

WHO typically has estimated that between 250,000 and 500,000 people a year die from the flu.

However, a 2019 paper from the University of Edinburgh estimated that these numbers could be as high as 650,000:

Until recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the annual mortality burden of influenza to be 250,000 to 500,000 all-cause deaths globally; however, a 2017 study indicated a substantially higher mortality burden, at 290,000-650,000 influenza-associated deaths from respiratory causes alone, and a 2019 study estimated 99,000-200,000 deaths from lower respiratory tract infections directly caused by influenza. Here we revisit global and regional estimates of influenza mortality burden and explore mortality trends over time and geography.

Of course, the allegedly unique Coronavirus isn’t going to reach anywhere near these numbers. Instead, if we view the Coronavirus as a part of the flu phenomenon, and tally the two numbers together, we will end up with a normal flu season when we look back at the end of this month.

That is with the statistical manipulation of recording everyone who dies of anything but tests positive for the virus as dying of the virus. But you also have the cutting down of the spread of the virus through these measures. So it all probably balances out.

Of course, no one is going to admit that. It will be published in different places, but it will not be included in the narrative. We will instead hear that we saved ourselves from hundreds of millions of deaths by doing this lunatic quarantine.

This is such a bizarre way for civilization to collapse.

But I suppose it is fitting.

May Jesus Christ have mercy on our souls.