Infertility in Men is Caused by Damage Done While in the Womb: Plastic, Weird Chemicals and Women are to Blame

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2019

Science is shining some light on the dark origins of the grotesque androgyny of the modern humanoid.

Could these hideous creatures be the result of an environment that is out to get them?

Could male infertility be determined in the womb?

Daily Mail:

Men trying for fatherhood receive a wealth of lifestyle advice on how best to boost their fertility — wear loose-fitting underpants, avoid hot baths, get a good night’s sleep and steer clear of junk food.

It is advice backed by research — including a study in June, led by Harvard University in the U.S., which found that men (the average age was 19) who ate the most red and processed meat, sugary drinks and starchy carbohydrates had the lowest average sperm counts. On average, these were 25.6 million lower than those who ate the least processed food. (A count of 39 million sperm is normally considered the minimum required to conceive naturally.)

However, scientists are now uncovering a far more worrying truth. It seems that for most men suffering infertility from a low sperm count, the damage was done decades earlier — while they were still in the womb.

Evidence increasingly shows that the delicate processes involved in forming their reproductive organs can be disrupted in the early months of pregnancy, inflicting damage that can harm their chances of fatherhood. Moreover, new studies suggest that this not only sends their sperm counts plummeting, it also significantly raises men’s risk of serious illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and cancer in later life.

Beauty and health are signs of fertility.

Where fertility is missing, beauty and health are missing too.

Male fertility is clearly in crisis. A comprehensive review of evidence in 2017, based on 7,500 studies, shows that sperm counts among Western men have more than halved over the past 40 years. The review authors, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the journal Human Reproduction Update, warned that the decline shows ‘no evidence of abating’.

In the UK, around one in ten men of all ages suffers from infertility (defined as unsuccessfully attempting pregnancy for a year or longer), according to research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine published in the journal Human Reproduction in 2016.

Other studies indicate that as many as one in five men under 35 has a low sperm count.

Today, 70-year-old men are likely to have higher sperm counts than men in their twenties.

Something relatively recent is damaging men’s fertility and health. There is no life without fertility.

Modernity is attacking life.

British infertility experts are now beginning to explore the root causes of this 21st century plague. Already much of the evidence points to chemical pollutants in the air, water and ground around us as the prime culprit.

There is also evidence that parents’ pre-conception lifestyles may affect their children’s health, and even their fertility, and that the problems may be passed on through the parents’ sperm or eggs by changes in the DNA (known as epigenetic changes).

To make matters worse, modernity encourages mothers to stop breastfeeding and to poison their babies with soy formula.

The resulting sight is not pretty.

Today, scientists are starting to discover how the physical damage from these environmental factors or epigenetic changes may begin to develop in the womb.

A leading investigator is Alastair Sutcliffe, professor of general paediatrics at University College London, who is studying data from more then 200,000 men held by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. He believes that there is a problem of prenatal genetic damage underlying male infertility.

‘Lifestyle is inevitably going to have some impact on your fertility,’ he says. ‘But I think most of the problems with these men probably go back to their days in their mothers’ wombs. For whatever reason, they did not have the right conditions in there.’

Professor Sutcliffe believes that risk for diseases such as testicular and prostate cancers may be primed in the womb by the same genetic problems that render men infertile.

He explains: ‘Testicular cancer is an embryonic cancer — which means it is precipitated during development in the womb. But it waits until puberty to begin developing.

The risk is written very early in utero. Something similar may be true with prostate cancer.

This finding is only one of a growing number of studies that links low sperm counts in men in their 20s and 30s to serious illness in later life.

In March, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore in the U.S. reported that men who suffer infertility also have a significantly raised risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) — a build-up of fat in the liver which can lead to serious liver damage.

NAFLD is associated with a high risk of other serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, and is linked to poor diet, lack of exercise and weight gain.

But it may also be that some men are born more susceptible than others. The U.S. researchers suggest that male infertility and NAFLD may be precipitated by the same underlying physiological problems.


what is to become of all the advice for men about protecting their fertility by taking precautions such as wearing loose underpants (to stop overheated testicles killing sperm), cutting out junk food, and so on?

Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield, and Britain’s foremost commentator on male fertility, says the advice may still play a crucial role for some men — but we should also face up to the fact that prenatal development now seems to play the major role in determining men’s fertility.

In May, an Australian study of 643 men aged 20 warned in the journal Human Reproduction that men whose mothers were exposed to three or more stressful life events in the first 18 weeks of pregnancy may have an average 38 per cent reduction in the number of sperm as adults.

Professor Pacey told Good Health: ‘I think the single biggest factor is what happens before a man was born — regarding how his testicles were developed. This is determined by how well that first trimester of pregnancy went for him.

How that pregnancy expressed itself in a man is determined by the size of his testicles, because that is a result of how they developed in the womb. If you have bigger testicles you produce more sperm — and the more likely they are to produce a baby.

If your testicles are small, then that’s likely to be problematic.’

Professor Pacey says that clinics can precisely measure testicle size, but adds: ‘For people at home, the best thing is to measure the testicle inside the scrotum against a lychee. That size is about the minimum volume required for unassisted fertility. Anything smaller may mean problems.’

The significance of this is that, ‘for men who are trying for a family in their late 20s and early 30s, their fertility is already set pretty much completely’, he says.

The big issue that doesn’t get publicised is that lifestyle changes have not been proven to make a difference in actually fathering children. If they do make a difference, then it will be comparatively small.’

He explains frankly: ‘All that men can do with lifestyle changes is to protect and promote the testicular function they were born with. It’s about risk reduction.


British experts are blaming the male fertility crisis primarily on boys suffering developmental damage in their mothers’ wombs — and pin the blame on chemical pollutants in our environment.

Phthalates are considered a key culprit. These are added to plastics to increase their durability and have become ubiquitous.

In 2015, Shanna Swan, a professor of reproductive epidemiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, found that mothers with high blood phthalate levels in the first trimester of pregnancy were much more likely to have sons with a significantly reduced anogenital distance (AGD) — measured between the anus and underside of the scrotum.

The researchers, writing in the journal Human Reproduction, said a shorter distance has been linked to low sperm counts later in life.

In another study, last year, obstetricians at the University of Western Australia compared the fertility of 900 men aged 20-22 with records of their mothers’ blood samples when they were pregnant.

Men whose mothers had high levels of phthalates between the 18th and 34th week of pregnancy tended to have small testicles and subsequently low sperm counts, the researchers reported in the journal Frontiers In Endocrinology.

Another key pollutant appears to be perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), used as a stain repellent and formerly a key ingredient in fabric protectors. It’s called a ‘forever chemical’ because it persists for decades in the environment, often in drinking water.

Studies on mice (reported in 2017 in the journal Environmental Science & Technology) found that pregnant females exposed to low doses of PFOS gave birth to male pups that grew up to have low sperm counts and testosterone.

Common painkillers taken in pregnancy may also affect a baby boy’s future fertility, according to a study last year led by Dr Rod Mitchell, a consultant paediatric endocrinologist at the University of Edinburgh.

When samples of human foetal testes were exposed to paracetamol and ibuprofen for a week, there were 25 per cent fewer testicular germ cells — the cells that give rise to sperm.

The study also tested the effects of painkillers on mice with grafts of human foetal testicular tissue. After one day of treatment with paracetamol, the number of sperm-producing cells had dropped by 17 per cent. After a week there were almost one third fewer cells.

On a brighter note, a study last month in the journal Scientific Reports suggests that taking folic acid during pregnancy may help protect baby boys against testicular damage from environmental pollutants.

Some of the things women do during pregnancy that harm men’s fertility are:

  1. Exposing themselves to plastics and weird chemicals
  2. Taking painkillers and most likely other drugs too
  3. Eating an unhealthy diet
  4. Stressing out about stuff

Cleaning products, insecticides, makeup, personal hygiene products, and the like are likely to contain some of these extremely damaging chemicals linked to infertility and other problems such as birth defects.

Taking drugs and medications can be considered kind of a cultural practice by now but women are not entirely to blame here. You can also blame the Jews behind the production and promotion of the drugs.

The same applies to unhealthy diets.

Stress during pregnancy harming babies means that the old patriarchal ways were far healthier. Women were expected to stay at home and take care of themselves and the kids while men stressed about providing for them.

Now women have joined the workforce and they can stress about stuff with men while halving the price of labor.
