The one thing I love about the BBC – the media network funded by the British government – is that they’re willing to ask the really hard hitting questions.
Like this one:
I was just opening up my internet today, and thinking to myself, “I wonder if Italian fashion is racist?”
The BBC had my back, with a three minute news clip explaining the suffering of “black Italians.”
This is what’s up:
Italian designer Stella Jean says more needs to be done to tackle racism in the industry.
Jean, of Haitian descent, told the BBC she decided not to showcase in this year’s Milan Fashion Week in protest over racism in the industry. She launched a campaign asking ‘Do Black Lives Matter in Italian Fashion?’ and is urging brands to hire more black people.
Italy’s fashion council says a lot of its brands are trying hard to be more inclusive but that the government and other organisations have to drive positive change.
What is a black Italian, asks you?
I don’t actually know, but I think it is an Italian person who has been burned to a crisp in a fire.
I don’t know what that has to do with racism.
But I’m sure that if I keep reading the BBC, they will eventually tell me.