Investigation Opened Into French Magazine That Called Black Minister a Monkey

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2013

Christiane Taubira.
Christiane Taubira.

Yesterday, I reported on the French weekly, Minute, calling France’s black Justice minister, Christiane Taubira, a banana-eating monkey.  I suggested that this sort of humor is could be partially immune to politically correct assault, given that it speaks to a fundamental sector of the White psyche which naturally recognizes the similarities between blacks and monkeys.

It seems though that this sort of humor, intended to delegitimize the third world colonization of our nations, is not immune to criminal investigation.  Responding to complaints from the oh-so-sensitive liberals, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has ordered the French government to open an inquiry into the headline of this publication, which read “clever as a monkey, Taubira gets her banana back.”

Mr. Ayrault said that this headline constituted “a public injury of a racial nature,” though Taubira seemed in quite fine health when she appeared on French television last night, claiming that the comments “seek to deny my existence as a human being.”

Marine Le Pen is a Traitor

Along with the usual suspects, Marine Le Pen, leader of the allegedly nationalist Front National party, who appears to be getting softer by the hour, took to Twitter to attack paper, Tweeting “I’m proud to spit on Minute every week when I see what it’s become.”

Marine Le Pen apparently fancies herself a Jane Goodall figure.
Marine Le Pen apparently fancies herself a Jane Goodall figure.

Le Pen either does not understand, or for reasons unknown does not care, that people are drawn to nationalist parties specifically because they are extreme, and that by attempting to placate the liberal mainstream, she merely weakens her own position as anti-establishment outsider.  I would not have expected her to come out and say “yes, they are right, this black is a monkey,” but either not commenting at all, or defending the paper’s right to free speech, would have made sense.  Condemning them as racist merely makes her look weak and pathetic, and brings her true motives into question.