French Magazine Calls Black Minister a Monkey

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2013

"Taubira gets her banana back."
“Taubira gets her banana back.”

The ‘far right’ French magazine, Minute, today featured a cover featuring France’s black minister Christiane Taubira, with headlines reading ‘crafty as a monkey’ and ‘Taubira gets her banana back.’

Apparently, both of these are common French expressions.  ‘Crafty as a monkey’ is similar to the English ‘sly as a fox,’ and ‘getting your banana back’ can be compared to ‘getting back in the groove.’  It is, however, quite clear that the magazine, which has a distribution of 40,000, was calling this black minister a banana-eating monkey.

Taubira is hated by conservative French not simply for representing the conquest of their nation by invading hordes of nonwhite savages, but also for her intensely liberal policy.  She is personally credited with pushing through the gay marriage law, which the majority of French are opposed to (they put up more of a fight against homosexual civil union than any other Western country, including the US).

Christiane Taubira: She's into immigration, gay sex and bananas.
Christiane Taubira: She’s into immigration, gay sex and bananas.

In the last weeks, she has been repeatedly called a banana-eating monkey by French people.

At an anti-gay marriage demonstration last month, children were filmed chanting “monkey, eat your banana.”

Shortly before this, Anne-Sophie Leclere, a mayoral candidate running on the Front National ticket, posted on Facebook calling her a monkey and saying she would “rather see her in the trees than in the government.”

Front National candidate Anne Sophie Leclere posted pictures comparing the black minister to a monkey, including this one which shows Taubira "at 18 months" and "now."
Front National candidate Anne Sophie Leclere posted pictures comparing the black minister to a monkey, including this one which shows Taubira “at 18 months” and “now.”

Disgustingly, the traitorous Marine Le Pen suspended her from the party for these statements.

To Call Blacks Monkeys or Not to Call Blacks Monkeys

This monkey business brings up the oft-debated question of whether or not degrading racial stereotypes should be used as a weapon by traditionalist forces seeking to delegitimize the invading hordes by tearing down their protective wall of political correctness directly.

It is very important that we are able to successfully propagandize the masses to understand just how fundamentally idiotic and insane it is to treat black Africans, and other nonwhites, as equal to us, and worthy of participating in our society, and I believe that humor is of key importance in this operation.

Italy's black minister, Cecile Kyenge, is regularly called a monkey and often has bananas thrown at her by angry Italians who do not wish to be a colony of Africa.
Italy’s black minister, Cecile Kyenge, is regularly called a monkey and often has bananas thrown at her by angry Italians who do not wish to be a colony of Africa.

Though I am opposed to excessive use of the word ‘nigger,’ given that it tends to sound overly hateful, due to the political and cultural baggage attached to it, calling blacks monkeys as a way to make them look simply silly perhaps has more strategic worth.

It seems that it can work well with certain segments of the masses in Europe, and could have wider appeal if it was repeated enough.  Clearly, when looking at blacks, the immediate and natural reaction is to note the striking similarity to simian mammals.  This is intrinsically funny, on a very basic level, especially when you are talking about these people running governments or having sex with White women.  If used correctly, especially in conjunction with comments about bananas and/or swinging from trees, it is too funny to come across as overtly hateful or bitter.

It has already been scientifically proven that Whites naturally associate the appearance of blacks with that of apes.  Tapping into this, distasteful as it may seem to those intellectuals among us, may well serve our propaganda purposes.  It seems that it is emerging naturally anyway, as the invading hordes become more hostile, and the White race increasingly resorts to instinctive psychological defense mechanisms.

What does the reader think?