Irish Parliament Installs Tampon Dispenser in Men’s Bathroom

This is for when men start bleeding from their penises, apparently.

How caring.

However, if you are bleeding from your penis, you need to go to the doctor immediately. Unless it is just a small amount of blood, then you can wait til tomorrow. But if it is so much blood you need a tampon to soak it up, then drop everything and get to the doctor.


A vending machine distributing free tampons has been installed in at least one men’s bathroom in Ireland’s parliament building.

Free tampons are now reportedly available in at least one men’s bathroom in Leinster House, the parliament building for the Irish state, after a machine distributing the sanitary product was installed in recent days.

It comes as the general public in the country faces increasing financial difficulties as a result of the cost of living crisis, with the nation’s authorities also having sparked a massive migrant crisis this year as a result of their open borders policies.

While this has all resulted in a serious strain on the coffers of the Irish state, officials in the country feel that it is still worth spending taxpayers’ money on making sure men have access to tampons.

According to a report by Gript Media, the general public became aware of the machine’s arrival after the editor of one major newspaper published a photo of it online.

Some expressed outrage at the machine’s installation, often describing it as a significant waste of money at a time when public services are stretched thin and many are struggling to get by.

However, despite the fact that even some political parties have denounced the free tampons for men, leftist politicians, activists and journalists were quick to jump to its defence.

One said that it was “about time” that the machine was installed, while another praised it as allowing “trans people” to get tampons.

Despite such leftist support for the move, online responses to free tampons being made available in the men’s room of the Irish parliament appear to betray a significant lack of public support at a time when officials are already being put under considerable pressure by voters.

Well, some people like this, apparently.

What the fuck happened to this country?