Is Rebel Media’s Forced Meme Laura Loomer a Zika Baby?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2017

You can trust her, goyim. She also likes Donald Trump, just like you goyim do.

Tension is mounting around the Rebel Media’s Laura Loomer, an ugly Jew woman who the Jew manager of the Alt-Lite, Ezra Levant, has tried to force down the throats of the goyim to get them to shut up about the Jews.


  • Over the last 3 years, a new, youthful right-wing movement has emerged
  • There has been a struggle between the anti-Semitic and Jew-loving factions of this movement
  • At one extreme you had me, blaming the Jews for everything, at the other you had Rebel Media, run by a Jew
  • Levant sent all types of agents against me, trying to destroy me in the name of his race; at one point he ordered his puppet Gavin McInnes (whom he controls with a buttplug) to call me a secret agent not once, twice but thrice (specifically because I talk about Jews)
  • The Jewish train went off the rails when people began to switch to the anti-Jew side, while no one from the anti-Jew side started loving Jews
  • Ezra sent a Jew woman to try and convince people that Jews are people
  • She had her big opening debut with the ratfucker Jack Posobiec, when they crashed “Shakespeare in the Park” and Posobiec yelled that the audiences was “all gerbils” (a reference to Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, who Jews believe was a human/gerbil chimera engineered as part of a Nazi experiment to create the perfect intellectual – half man, half gerbil)

It wasn’t just Ezra Levant who was trying to force-meme Laura Loomer.

The mainstream Jewish media got in on the action, trying to push forward with this meme no one wanted.

At one point a couple weeks ago, when you Googled “Laura Loomer” you got a whole list of articles from the Jewish Daily Forward talking about how she needed to save the Alt-Right from its anti-Semitism.

Then, this week, #Tiregate hit.

The Jew Laura Loomer got caught doing the most Jewish thing imaginable and lying about a flat tire that had blown out, saying that it had been slashed, creating a victim narrative.

Everyone on the internet was like “oh my God, how Jewish can you get?”

In particular, people were fascinated with this tweet:

This seemed to go beyond normal Jewishness, into the realm of mental retardation.

This followed her announcement in July of a planned nosejob – which is being done by “Dr. Redpill,” a plastic surgeon who helps Jews fit into the Alt-Right (this is a real thing). You can’t blame her for wanting a nosejob – she’s got a real whopper.

But the announcement post seemed “off” in a bizarre, mentally retarded way.

During #Tiregate, Loomer was under the microscope more than she otherwise would have been, and researchers have hit on a scientifically sound explanation for her strange “post-Jewish” behavior: she is a microcephalic Zika Baby.

She displays nearly every symptom of microcephaly, including:

  • Small head size
  • Backward-sloping forehead
  • Hyperactivity
  • Facial distortions
  • Delays in speech and movement

She fluffs up her frizzy Jewish hair to try to hide it, but just compare the size of the top of her head to that of #RatfuckerJack.

Microcephaly is a full-on physical deformity which effects the size and shape of the brain, and causes strange, mentally retarded behaviors in its victims. Modern microcephaly is mainly being caused by the Zika virus.

This had led many to begin referring to Loomer as “Zika Laura,” and has caused the hashtag #ZikaLaura to trend on Twitter.

I for one think Laura Loomer should embrace her heritage.

Own it.

Despite what anti-Microcephalics argue, there is no reason that a Zika Baby can’t be a true conservative and argue for sound money and so on. It’s just another stereotype that all Zika Babies are liberal.

Stand proud of the accomplishments of the microcephalic people, Laura.