Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 4, 2015

New evidence has revealed that Snoop Doggy Dogg may be the only civilized, sane man left in these Jewnited Snakes. While the rest of the world praises the deranged nutcase Bruce Jenner as “brave” and “heroic,” Dogg has referred to him as a “science project.”
Posting to Istagram, Snoop wrote: “Shout out to Akon ! He is about to supply 600 million africans with solar power. Im really upset that this isnt major news but that science project bruce jenner is #Society”
No one knows or cares what the first part of that means, but the remaining sane persons in America – 12 people, including yours truly – have noted that referring to Jenner as a “science project” is both a “top kek” as the youngsters like to say and factually accurate.
Meanwhile, the deranged lunatic Jenner will be given the “Arthur Ashe Courage Award” later this month for having the courage to dress up like a woman and planning cut his own dick off.

Last year, the award was given to Michael Sam, a gay football player, for having the courage to risk getting HIV-AIDS and other top diseases by letting other men stick their penises in his butthole. In 2013, it was given to a Negress who got breast cancer and in 2012 it was given to a female basketball coach. Jenner is certainly in brave company.
It is not expected that Snoop Dogg’s statements will garner much media attention, given that he is Black and no one really cares what Black people say, even if it is correct.