Daily Stormer
February 1, 2015

ISIS has gone ahead and cut the head off the second Japanese hostage they held, Kenji Goto, following a “deadlock” in negotiations. They released a video, which experts believe is for real.
The horrifying video shows a hooded man standing over another man – apparently Goto – with a knife held to his throat. It then shows footage of a body with a head placed on it.
Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani said the video appears to be genuine. The comment comes after a meeting of ministers, where Tokyo police representatives said the footage had a “high degree of credibility.”
Earlier on Saturday, Yasuhide Nakayama – the head of Tokyo’s emergency response team in the Jordanian capital of Amman – told journalists that there had been no progress in attempts to negotiate the release of Goto and Maaz al-Kassasbeh, a first lieutenant in the Jordanian Air Force.
In the clip, the man – who calls himself Jihadist John and speaks in English with a British accent – addresses the Japanese government, blaming Tokyo for the slaughter. He said that Japan started an “unwinnable war,” and threatened its government with more violence.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has condemned the “inhumane and contemptible act of terrorism,” promising to “never forgive these terrorists.”
“Japan will work with the international community to bring those responsible for this crime to justice,” Abe added in brief statement to journalists.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has also condemned the atrocity, saying he “cannot help feeling strong indignation that an inhuman and despicable act of terrorism like this has been committed again.”
Jordan on Sunday condemned the killing of Goto. The IS demanded the release of a female terrorist from a Jordanian prison in exchange for the hostage. Jordan was involved in negotiations with the jihadists.
“The Jordanian government strongly condemns the execution of the second Japanese hostage by the terrorist organisation Daesh,” Jordan’s government spokesman told state media, using a pejorative Arabic acronym for the group.
We should again note how completely retarded this whole thing is. All that ISIS has accomplished here is making two billion new enemies, as the yellows will stand together against them. And Asians don’t much care about who is who, this is simply going to be viewed as “the Middle East/Moslems in General attacked Asia.”
This is two billion people who previously were impartial to Moslems and the Middle East.
I patiently await the day when Asia will be put in charge of dealing with the Moslem problem.