“Islamic Sharia” is an Appropriation of White Culture – WHITE SHARIA is the Original Sharia Law

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 16, 2017

Since the necessity of WHITE SHARIA became evident to the editorial staff of the Daily Stormer, many readers have complained that although they believe in the tenets of WHITE SHARIA, they dislike it because of the name – they associate the word “Sharia” with Islam.

This is understandable. No one wants to be associated with the monkeylike Islamic hordes.

However, their perception is one based on total ignorance of the fact of what Sharia actually is: an ancient Indo-Aryan code of conduct.

The root of the Arabic word “Sharia” – a word which means “the way” or “the path” – is in the Indo-European languages of Urdu and Persian.

For those who do not know – and perhaps there has been no reason to know until now – all European languages have the same origin as these other two Indo-European languages: an ancient Aryan civilization that stretched across the Eurasian continent.

Even now, many, many words remain the same in English and Persian.


As Indo-European languages, English and Persian are daughter languages of their common ancestral Proto-Indo-European, and still share many cognate words of similar forms. Examples of these include: English (mother) and Persian (mādar), English (father) and Persian (padar), English (daughter) and Persian (dokhtar), English (brother) and Persian (barādar) and English (name) and Persian (nām). However, this article will be concerned with loanwords, that is, words in English that derive from Persian, either directly, or more often, from one or more intermediary languages.

Arabic, on the other hand, is a Semitic language. Semitic languages are a totally separate, non-white, Afro-Asiatic language group.

Modern Semitic languages

Indeed, the Persians themselves were white up until they were invaded by the Arabs in 7th century and raped like goats. You still see whitish looking Persians now, sometimes.

The word “Sharia” was not used in original Islam very often at all, and this borrowed Indo-European word only appears in the Koran twice.

The Jews have also ripped-off this word from their time as merchants in Babylon to refer to their own law (just as they have borrowed so many German words to create Yiddish), indicating that the word was widely used in ancient White Persia to describe a divine legal system.

In modern Urdu, the word “شریعت” is still used in a non-Islamic sense.

The same is true in modern Persian, where it can be used to refer to merely “tradition” as well as religious law.

Of course, many of the uses in these languages are Islamic, but that is obviously due to it’s wide use in modern times as being associated with Islam – because the sandmonkeys appropriated our culture.


Pretty much, claiming that Sharia is an invention of the Arabs is like claiming the blacks built the Egyptian Pyramids.

Denying the white race’s right to Sharia Law amounts to giving away our sacred heritage to a hostile, evil foreign people hellbent on destroying us – and destroying us using our own legal system.

It is time for the white man to stand-up and reclaim his rightful heritage. This is a deep part of our being that goes back way before Christianity, before Greek, Slavic and Germanic paganism, to our very origins. Although most of the ideas of WHITE SHARIA are the same as those of pagan or Christian law, by adopting WHITE SHARIA, we are restoring the very core of our racial soul.

Continued Hatred of WHITE SHARIA?

Those who continue to disagree with the use of the ancient white system of Sharia Law need to disprove the findings of this research. Of course, that cannot be done, because these findings are 100% factually accurate.

After the release of these findings, anyone saying that the Islamic apes invented – rather than ripped-off – Sharia Law might as well be saying that three black women were responsible for the moon landing.

How could anyone be so absurd as to believe that goatmen invented WHITE SHARIA?