Islamo-Tranny Alliance Against JK Rowling?

Harry Potter authoress JK Rowling posted a tweet after the stabbing of the fat hack Salmon “Norwegian Fillet” Rushdie saying she hoped he was okay. I don’t agree with that sentiment, but that’s what she said.

A tweeter named Meer Asif Aziz had been celebrating the stabbing.

Aziz then told Rowling “don’t worry, you’re next.”

Rowling reported the threat, and was told by Twitter that it does not violate the rules.

I think we all get the whole “Twitter lets people they like threaten to murder people they don’t like” thing. There’s not really any more to say about that. If you want to hear someone talk about it in circles for hours, go listen to Stephen Crowder. He can also sell you a $32 t-shirt that says something like “Fuck Twitter – I don’t want to die!”

For the low-low cost of $32.99, you can fight back against Twitter allowing Moslems and trannies to organize murders on Twitter.

The more interesting issue here is that the Moslems have apparently formed an alliance with the trannies. There is no Islamic fatwa against JK Rowling. There is a tranny fatwa, because she said that trannies don’t exist.

Are trannies and Moslems pooling their fatwas? Or did the Moslem threatening to kill JK Rowling confuse her for someone else?

Moslems are terrible at marketing. Most people in the literary world support killing Salmon Rushdie, and the cause of jihad scored a big win on that one, with a lot of normal people rallying around them.

But then they go and side with trannies?
