Israeli President Says Trump Will Talk to Arab Leaders About Resettling Palestinians

Everyone knows they’re all going to end up in Europe and the US, regardless of where they are first transported.

We all know that.

Talking about it is just silly.


US President Donald Trump will begin talks with Arab leaders regarding his proposal to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to neighboring countries while the enclave is being rebuilt, Israeli President Isaac Herzog told Fox News on Sunday. Trump’s plan has drawn international condemnation.

In the interview, Herzog insisted that the US president is not talking about taking over Gaza militarily and urged neighboring nations to offer alternative solutions.

President Trump is due to meet with major, major Arab leaders, first and foremost, the king of Jordan and the president of Egypt, and I think also the crown prince of Saudi Arabia as well… They are partners that must be listened to, must be discussed with. We have to know their fields as well and see how we build a plan that is sustainable for the future,” Herzog stated.

When the boomers end up with their neighborhoods filled with Arab refugees, they going to scream about “how did this happen???” just like Trump is screaming “how did this happen???” about the hostages in Gaza looking a bit skinny.

This sort of stuff is not really any better than Democrats believing trannies are real.

No one feels any obligation to reality.