Italy Again Talking About Planning to Send Back Some Migrants as They Remain Buried Under Black Sludge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2017

They’re just as Italian as anyone. Because all it means to be “Italian” is to be physically located within the geographical borders of Italy.

I’m not a scientist, but I would think the first thing you would want to do is stop the flow of “migrants” coming in, instead of saying that you need to start sending them back at the same rate that they’re coming in.

What I know for sure is that some action needs to be taken beyond “talking about the problem.”

Daily Express:

Italy has fiercely bolstered its programme to send the growing number of economic migrants arriving in the EU state back to their country of origin, it has been confirmed.

The country’s reinforced programme comes after the number of migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean has increased by 40 per cent this year, to 37,000, the United Nations Refugee Agency reports.

Marco Minniti, the Italian interior minister said 6,242 migrants had been put on flights home by the middle of April 2017, mostly to North African countries, including Tunisia – a 24 per cent increase from the same period last year.

He added: “The challenge is getting countries to accept forced repatriations. It’s not always simple, we need compatible databanks.”

Yeah, why would they want these people in their country?

They aren’t just going to take them because you asked nicely.

You have to use leverage. That is to say, threats.

Or you could just invade these countries and reinstall colonial governments. That is sort of the obvious solution. Then you could not only control their movement, but you could raise the quality of living in the countries as we did during colonialism, so many fewer would want to leave in the first place.

Looks like there’s some British memers in need of some Zs, amirite?

You could also profit off of their resources.

It has already been proven that brown people prefer to be ruled over by whites. The only people who were against this were the Jews, because they hate whites and don’t really care about brown people.